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Announcing the winners of the Rochford District Business Awards for 2024


Rochford District Council is pleased to announce the winners of the Rochford District Business Awards for 2024, in association with Toomey Motor Group, with thanks to our category sponsors who sat in on their categories as guest judges. It was a difficult task!

Congratulations to all our winners.

The awards ceremony was compered by Essex Radio breakfast presenter, Su Harrison, at The Rayleigh Club in Rayleigh on Thursday 29 February 2024.The Rochford District Business Awards 2024 winners are:

Apprentice of the Year sponsored by Greater Essex Careers Hub

  • WINNER: Eden-Rose Whellams - Legacy Strategies

 Community Impact Award sponsored by Essex Working Well

  • WINNER: Trust Links

 Customer Service Award sponsored by Rochford District Council Licensing Team

  • WINNER: Bloomwood Photography

Employer of the Year sponsored by Essex Chambers of Commerce

  • WINNER: Butlers Chartered Accountants

 Entrepreneur of the Year sponsored by Colbea

  • WINNER: Charlene Hurlock - Swoperz

 Innovative Business of the Year sponsored by Launchpad - Oxford Innovation


 Micro Business of the Year sponsored by 3 Chambers


 SME of the Year sponsored by Federation of Small Businesses

  • WINNER: Palmers Solicitors

 Start-Up Business of the Year sponsored by Backing Essex Business

  • WINNER: Make Your Market

Sustainability Award sponsored by Rochford Norse

  • WINNER: Trust Links

 Toomey Special Recognition Award sponsored by Toomey Motor Group

  • WINNER: Karen Applebee

We would like to thank our local supplier sponsors; Eternity Events for providing the AV, Blume Lifestyle for the table decorations and Tina Wing Business Photography, providing professional photographs of our winners, finalists and the ceremony.

A link to a gallery of photographs taken at the 2024 business awards will be available to view on our website soon at