How we check air quality.
Information on climate change, its causes and impacts.
Details and timeline on how the Council will achieve its declared aims of achieving carbon neutrality within its own activity.
Land could be contaminated as a result of industrial work.
You may be eligible for funding to make your home more energy efficient.
How to request access to environmental information held by the Council.
We no longer offer a pest control service but we have a range of pest control advice.
Environmental Health investigate complaints about nuisances such as noise, smoke, fumes and light.
Information about recycling.
Explore advice, tools and calculators to help you save energy at home.
Incluides - Litter, dog fouling, graffiti/fly posting, abandoned vehicles and fly tipping.
Information about our commitment to becoming carbon neutral.
Information about our vision tackle the global challenges of climate change.
This document sets out how we plan to encourage reuse and recycling across the Rochford District.
Information about hedgerow regulation and tree preservation orders.