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Appendix 1 - Current Activities of the Footpaths Group

Appendix 1

Group Role:

The question of the role of the group was discussed and it was agreed that this was the correct forum for bringing together the various initiatives within the scope of the RCCCT that related to footpaths and public access and their impact on the visitor economy.

There was some crossover with the digital group as many of the tools and guides will be available in digital format but there is common membership between the two groups so we should be able to manage this.

Alexis linked up to the work that she is doing for Maldon on the general subject of visitor access via the Visit Maldon District website  and the link through to the ECC booklet on St Peter’s Way running from Ongar to St Peters - on-the-Wall. This style might become a standard for the work we are doing and the Coast-to-Coast path.

Coast to Coast:

Alexis had spoken to Shirley Anglin at County and they are not able to give us any help on this project so we need to take ownership. The main help we had hoped they would give us would be to give guidance over the ownership of the various sections on the route and any infrastructure such as bridges, residual buildings etc. It was decided that, without help from Public Rights of Way that we may be able to get guidance from Maldon DC Planning Dept. and Alexis suggested that we should invite them along to our next meeting to give such guidance. This was agreed if it was going to be possible. Section 106 help might be available is some cases - if this had not already been taken up to any of the recent applications. Matt Winslow was prepared to “attend” our next meeting (originally scheduled for August) so we are now arranging mutually convenient dates.

On the subject of Planning, Glen was asked if he could complete a sketch map and description for his proposed route within the South Woodham Ferrers boundary as mentioned in the last Steering Group meeting so that this could be passed on to Cllr Shearing in case of planning applications that may affect the proposed route. Glen thought that the route was on existing public rights of way but he would produce the information for their reference. He has not yet been able to do so.

As far as help is concerned, it was also noted that Essex Wildlife Trust ran a site at the Stow Maries Halt and they may well be prepared not only to help us incorporate them into the path but also help on other wildlife related aspects of the project. I have since approached their chairman on this subject and he referred me to a colleague with more direct responsibility on this but that person has not yet replied.

Obviously, we will need funding for this project and it was suggested that, initially, we need to undertake an appropriate feasibility study and consequent action plan and this will take some resource and need the assistants of experts. This will need to be sponsored and therefore an initial action plan is required before we can seek finance through sponsorship. Ideally this would be a small group session, including the project group and maybe some others brought in for a brain-storming session, preferably in person rather than remote.

Paths to Prosperity

Most of this update was covered in the general discussion and the discussion at the previous Steering Group. Paula mentioned that a digital toolkit was being developed as part of the project and linked the group to examples.

Ordnance Survey

Alexis reported that discussions were still ongoing and she was seeking permission for us to use the facility. Maldon DC now had in house resource in cartography so this would help in generation of our own maps in addition to having them included on the official website.

England Coastal Path

Darren Braine from Natural England has advised us that because of the stage the England Coast Path has reached around the Crouch estuary, there is little active input they can make to the RCCCT. This will be particularly so as we move to establishment of the trail and once open the ongoing maintenance will rest with Essex County Council. It appears that the decision still rests with the Minister on the proposed route and we are unsure what stage any of the appeals are at as far as reviewing as this has been severely curtailed during the pandemic as site visits were required.

Natural England will be willing to answer queries, or where there are specific agenda items relating to the England Coast Path or any of our other work areas (such as the Site of Special Scientific Interest – SSSI). We will ask him for a written update for the project group at our next meeting – to be arranged.

It is likely to be a “wait and see” situation as we had previously been advised that it would probably be best to wait until the path was handed over to ECC as the responsible body and then see if we can work with them on implementation.

Footpath 9 – incorporated into the above:

As Paul did not attend our last meeting, we did not have an update on this ongoing saga other than that the repairs nearly commenced but then stopped because they did not have the correct permissions in place but it is unclear which were missing and from whom.

Keith Powell 14th September 2021.