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Application for a Premises Licence - Vapes and Candies

Licensing Act 2003 - Public Notice of Application

Application for a Premises Licence (under Sections 17 of the Act)

Name of Applicant or Club: Vapes and Candies

Postal address of premises or club premises including Postcode (where possible) or a description to enable the location to be identified:

16 Golden Cross Parade

Statement of Relevant Licensable Activities or Relevant Qualifying Club Activities which it is proposed will be carried on, on or from the premises.

The application is to

Sell alcohol within the convenience store

Proposed Licensable Activity consist of:

Sale of Alcohol (off the premises only)

Monday to Saturday - 08:00hrs to 22:00hrs

Sunday - 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs

Proposed opening hours consist of: 

Monday to Saturday - 08:00hrs to 22:00hrs

Sunday - 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs

Any representations regarding the above application must be received in made in writing using our online representation form or by post to the Licensing Authority, Rochford District Council, 3-19 South Street, Rochford, Essex. SS4 1BW no later than: 29th December 2024 stating the grounds for representation.

The register of Rochford District Council and the record of the application may be inspected at the address of the council, given above, during normal business hours or on the council’s website.

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application punishable on summary conviction with an unlimited fine.