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Bins and Collections

Waste Collection Update: Thursday 27th March 2025

Due to ongoing road works near Aldermans Hill and Main Road, Hockley, our waste contractor Rochford Norse will be making their waste collections on a Wednesday earlier to avoid traffic congestion on these roads for a few weeks/months.

Please leave your bins out on the boundary of your property as normal by 7am, to ensure your waste is collected.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Bins and collections

All households in the Rochford District are provided with three bins, including flats and parkland homes.

The compostables bin collected weekly
The recyclables bin collected fortnightly
The non-recyclables collected fortnightly

Bins need to be placed at the boundary of your property by 7am on your collection day.

If you live in a private road, private street or an unadopted road you may be required to present your bins next to the adopted highway, or at a position agreed with the waste officer at the discretion of the Council.

Following collection please place your bins back onto your property.

If you live in a flat with a communal bin area there is no need to move the bins, they will be collected and returned to the allocated bin areas.

To find out your collection day and which bin is collected in which week, please check the bin collection day tool.

We also have an online bin collection calendar, the printable calendar is available in Related Content.

If you are physically unable to place your bin at the boundary, please see the ‘Special collections’ section

Please avoid putting out additional waste for collection. If every household puts out more waste than usual, the collection vehicles will fill up quicker. This could result in some households not having their waste collected, as well as placing additional strain on collection crews. The advice is to store your additional recycling within your home.

Contaminated bins

Please see the ‘What goes where?’ page of the website to find out which items to place in each of your bins or use the A - Z of materials in Related Content section.

All items should be placed loose into your recyclables bin.

If your bin contains incorrect items, it will not be collected and the crew will make a note of the contamination on the waste management system.

In addition, a photograph of your bin contents may be taken for our records*.

Common incorrect items

Please DO NOT place any of the following items in the RECYCLABLES bin:

  • Food
  • Food stained packaging
  • Clothing and textiles
  • Nappies
  • Plastic carrier bags
  • Black sacks
  • Plastic wrapping

Please DO NOT place any of the following items in the COMPOSTABLES bin:

  • Soil and mud
  • Food packaging
  • Animal waste

Please DO NOT place any of the following items in the NON RECYCLABLES bin:

  • Building materials / rubble
  • Tiles
  • Plasterboard

These lists are not exhaustive. If you are unsure about a particular item please check the 'What goes where?' page or the A-Z of materials tool in the Related Content section.

*Any photographs taken will be done so for purposes connected to the Council’s waste collection service, including but not limited to compliance with Council policy and the Environmental Protection Act 1990.  This initiative is to be implemented for the benefit of the public, to ensure that bin collections are carried out fairly and efficiently, and to resolve any dispute. Any photograph taken will comply with the relevant privacy and data protection laws.

Side waste

Additional waste left next to or on top of your bins will not be collected.

The only exceptions on your recyclables collection day:

  • Recyclable materials presented in a blue box (from the previous recycling scheme) - if the blue box is missed we will not be able to return to empty it until your next scheduled collection day.
  • Textiles in blue sacks (please see the kerbside textiles section on the 'what goes where' page)

During the Christmas and New Year period, residents will be advised if and when additional waste is collected. This will appear on the relevant collection calendar.

Missed bins

If your bin was missed, but was not contaminated and there was no side waste, then it may have been missed due to one of the following reasons:

  • The bin was not presented at the boundary of your property
  • The bin was not presented by 7am on your collection day
  • The incorrect bin was presented
  • The crew were unable to collect the bin due to an obstruction (e.g. access blocked by a vehicle)
  • The bin was too heavy

If the collection crew arrive at the property to find that the bin is not presented correctly, they will make a note of the problem they have identified on their electronic device and on some occasions may take a photograph for our records*.

If you believe that your bin was genuinely missed, please report it within two working days following your scheduled collection day using the on line form in Related Content.

If a missed collection is not reported within the two working days the bin will not be emptied until the next scheduled collection day.

*Any photographs taken will be done so for purposes connected to the Council’s waste collection service, including but not limited to compliance with Council policy and the Environmental Protection Act 1990.  This initiative is to be implemented for the benefit of the public, to ensure that bin collections are carried out fairly and efficiently, and to resolve any dispute. Any photograph taken will comply with the relevant privacy and data protection laws

If you are unable to report a missed bin online please e-mail and you will be contacted, alternatively, you can call 01702 318191.

Special collections

Assisted collections

If you are physically unable to move your bins, and have no able bodied person to help you, you can apply for an assisted collection. This means that the collection crew will collect your bins from a specified area on your property and return the to the same place after emptying them.

Please complete the form in the Related Content section to arrange this.


If you are unable to separate out your waste due to any medical conditions, you can apply for an exemption from the scheme. This means you will be provided with one large non recyclables bin to place all of your waste into, and this will be collected fortnightly on your normal non recyclables collection day.

Please complete the form in the Related Content section to arrange this.

Charges for bins in new properties

New properties in the District are provided with a set of three bins, which are paid for by the developer or the householder.

If you have moved into a new property and wheeled bins have not been provided, please contact the developer to find out if they have paid for the bins for your property. If the developer has not paid the householder will need to order and pay for a set of bins.

The bins remain the property of Rochford District Council and cannot be taken with the resident if they move.

Bin Deliveries and Repairs

Please report your missing or broken bin using the on line form in Related Content.

If you are unable to report a Bin Repair or Delivery online please e-mail and you will be contacted, alternatively, you can call 01702 318191.

For other waste collection queries or complaints please e-mail and you will be contacted, alternatively, you can call 01702 318191.

Recycling A to Z

Select material the drop down list to see the options

Bin Collection Day

Select your road from the drop down list to see your collection day.