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CVCC Steering Group Meeting - 11 March 2024 – Minutes


Cllr Michael Hoy (Chairperson) (MH) - Rochford District Council
Doug MacEwen (Vice Chairman) (DME) - Representative of the Boating Community

Accountable Body

Marcus Hotten (Secretariat) (MHo) - Rochford District Council
Cllr Mrs Jo McPherson (Acting Chair) (JMP) - Rochford District Council

Public Sector

Cllr Alan Shearring (AS) - South Woodham Ferrers Town Council
Helen Quinnell (HQ) - Chelmsford City Council
Leanne Brisland (LB) - Bird Aware Essex

Business Sector

Robert Brown (RB) - Baltic Wharf Distribution
Rachel Fancy (RF) - RSPB
Roy Hart (RH) - Battlesbridge Business (Skee-Tex)

Maritime Sector

Ken Wickham (KW) - Crouch Harbour Authority


Keith Powell (KP)


Paula Chapman (PC) - Rochford District Council
Cllr David Flack (DF) - Hullbridge Parish Council
Andrew St Joseph (ASJ) - Representative of Essex Coastal Land Owners
Cllr Jo Parsad (JP) - Rettendon Parish Council
Cllr Glen Dryhurst (GD) - Ashingdon Parish Council


Dave Record (DR) - 3 Chambers (Hockley, Rayleigh & Rochford)
Alexis Corless (AC) - Maldon District Council
Cllr Doug O Bown (DOB) - Maldon District Council
Cllr Stephen Stratton (SS) - Burnham Town Council
Cllr Mike Halford (MHa) - Canewdon Parish Council

Julie O’Brien (Note Taker) - Rochford District Council

Welcome and introductions


MH delegated Chair duties to JMP.

JMP welcomed all and apologies received were noted.

Notes of the Last Steering Group Meeting Held on 19 October 2023 and Matters Arising


Agreed as an accurate record.

Working Group Updates


Rights of Way

KP had pre-circulated a position report, but noted that developments with the Coastal Path stretch at Wallasea Island to Burnham-on-Crouch had since been announced.

KP sought further understanding of the recent King Charles III Coastal Path approvals as it was not entirely clear from reading the information online.  It was observed that there was a mis-quote within feedback advertised which said that the River Crouch community thoroughly approved its proposals.

Action: KP to invite Darren Braine from Natural England to the next working group meeting.

Following a suggestion within the report that the group encompass access to the countryside for riders and cyclists as well as walkers, it was agreed to change the name of the project group from Footpaths to ‘Rights of Way’ (proposed by DME and supported by AS).  Action: Rights of Way name change to take immediate effect.

RH reported that he was submitting proposals to Government that links the villages of Wickford and Battlesbridge by installing a footbridge that, when installed would connect existing footpaths either side.  A letter and accompanying maps was prepared ready for sending via post today.  RH is offering a generous personal contribution of £20k towards the works and has spoken to landowners in the area who have given their consent to the project.  The path already has a name of ‘the butterfly walk’ (essentially south of the river).  Necessary works undertaken would need to be to Essex County Council (ECC) standard and they would be the responsible body for maintenance going forward.  ECC had not offered to implement proposals themselves due to their own estimated costs of circa £600k.    

Water Safety at Hullbridge

Nothing to report.

Action: MHo to check whether this group still needs to convene at this current time and feature on the next Steering Group agenda.

Vision Refresh

DME provided a verbal highlight of the report pre-circulated.

Following the Annual Report Summary leaflet that had been produced at end of 2023, the Steering Group agreed for a drawdown of £80 from the residual balance of the Coastal Community Team monies.

Action: MHo to make suitable arrangements with RDC Accountancy Team.

The Vision Refresh group were contemplating the production of a half yearly summary report to help with promotion of the Coastal Community Team. 

A new logo for the group was discussed and to incorporate their name.  It was unanimously agreed that the name of the group should be updated at this opportunity from River Crouch Coastal Community Team (RCCCT) to the ‘Crouch Valley Coastal Community’ (CVCC). 

Action: Outside Body name to be updated to ‘Crouch Valley Coastal Community’ with immediate effect.

At a recommendation of JMP, DME would explore producing printed maps to help promote the area, as part of the Working Group’s remit.


The group acknowledged that the Water Board confirmed their regular monitoring of sewage on rivers and their recent reports of the Crouch state all is okay and levels are “within the permitted range”.  This was disconcerting when the group was aware of and had their own worries that the situation was worse. 

Action: KW to circulate feedback on sewage legislation and reporting by authorities to the Steering Group.

AS reminded that Anglian Water had recently attended a meeting of the Steering Group and were positive about their approach.

Concerns remained of the group regarding bathing in rivers and use of the river Crouch by swimmers.

Action: JMP, DME & DF to reach out to Anglian Water and raise the topic of bathing in rivers again

Update on:


Proposal for latest stretch of Wallasea to Burnham Coastal Path

The recent decision announced by the Secretary of State to approve sections WIB2, 3, 4 & 5 of the King Charles III Coast Path in Essex between Wallasea Island and Burnham-on-Crouch was noted.

Path to Prosperity Project

HQ confirmed that this project was completed.

Action: item to be removed from future agendas

Coastal Footpath – Hullbridge Repairs Update

No update, in the absence of DF.

Action: agenda item to be carried forward

New projects


  • Quick Wins – the group agreed for a new website domain to be set up and be the hub for CVCC online material to promote its work. Action: Vision Refresh Working Group to pursue new CVCC website
  • Longer Term – the topic of local vineyards was discussed and it observed that this is a growth area and the region now known for its quality produce. The promotion of vineyards for tourism ties in nicely with the new name for the group including the word ‘valley’ as this encapsulates that there are vineyards on either side of the water. A recent grape and grain trail held within the area was a good example of positive collaboration and advertising. Pop-up Campsites was a suggested opportunity to explore and seen successfully working elsewhere. HQ offered to share a free visit Essex membership to assist local campsite businesses if provided contacts. The new CVCC website could help promote campsites.
  • UK Shared Prosperity Fund bid(s) – MH reminded the group that the UK Shared Prosperity Fund was a potential avenue to pursue for supporting projects of the Crouch Valley Costal Community where falling within the Rochford district. Action: Steering Group members to email Corporate Services at RDC with ideas so a list can be drawn up.

RSPB Wallasea Island - Latest Developments


RF confirmed that there was an outstanding planning application for decision by Rochford District Council, as submitted last year concerning a new toilet facility, surface path and shelter.

Action: MHo to speak with the Planning Case Officer at Rochford.

RF was interested to submit a UKSPF bid to fund the aforementioned project and aware of the imminent deadline 25th March 2024.  Action: MHo to urgently reach out to the Economic Development manager at Brentwood/Rochford Councils to send the UKSPF application form and information to RF

RF reported that there was a broken tidal flap on Wallasea Island that was blocking up to the Baltic Whalf.  A pump has been temporarily installed to redirect rain water.  Action: RF to send details over to MH for raising with the Flood Advisory Group.

Essex Coast RAMS (Bird Aware) Update


LB reported that it had been a busy period and the recruitment to a Lead Coastal Ranger post had created a further vacancy in the team which was now being advertised.

People counters were being monitored, but one at Hullbridge was not operating and another footfall counter had been knocked out by works.

Proposals from Natural England had been received regarding the setting up of a new strategic project that looks at the work of Essex Coast RAMS. The CVCC will be able to feed into this in due course.

Action: LB to advise the Steering Group when pop-ups / workshops occur so that help can be offered with promotion

The RAMS Strategy looks at how to manage visitors versus disturbance caused. RF open to ideas as to how to improve and set out clearly for the public to promote awareness and educate.

HM Coastguard – Public Water Rescue Equipment – Locked Boxes – Code to Access


The group noted the letter issued by the HM Coastguard concerning defibrillators accessible to the public. There is a search and rescue team based at South Woodham Ferrers, but neighbouring Southend have no such provision.

In conclusion, the group acknowledged that no new installations of water rescue equipment were planned and which met concerns of the HM Coastguard.

Date of Next meeting and 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Steering Group date confirmed as Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 2pm

Of the dates proposed, the AGM was agreed to be held on Tuesday, 19 November at 2pm

The meeting started at 10:00 and ended 11:22