If a disability is making life difficult for you, or someone living in your house, then you may be entitled to help in the form of a grant.
Home owners, tenants, occupiers park homes, can apply for this mandatory grant towards the cost of adapting a home to meet the needs of a disabled person. Applications will only be considered where an occupational therapy assessment has been received.
The maximum cost of works covered by the grant is £30,000 and depending on the disabled person's financial circumstances, there may be a contribution to make. Where the grant approved is more than £5000, the Council may secure a recoverable charge on the property of up to £10,000. This is registered as a local land charge and will stay in force for 10 years.
The works can include:
- Access to and from the home, including the gardens. For example ramps, pathways and handrails.
- Making the home safe for the disabled occupant, and others living there.
- Access to rooms used as a family room, bedroom, kitchen or bathroom. This can include widening, re-positioning or re-siting doors. Tracking, stair lifts and through floor lifts.
- Adaptations to toilets, and bathing and washing facilities. For example graded floor shower facilities and specialised toilets.
- Kitchen alterations to enable the disabled occupant to prepare snacks during the day, and sometimes specialised cookers, ovens, work surfaces and sink units.
There may be other works which can be included and we will always advise you.
Maximum funding for Disabled Facilities
The maximum funding towards a disabled facilities grant is £30,000 less any assessed contribution from the applicant.
How do I apply?
The person making the application (the applicant) must be 18 years old or more and either :
- have an owner's interest in the property that is to be adapted. This can be an owner/occupier or a landlord.
- be a private sector, or housing association tenant.
- The Applicant does not have to be the disabled person.
To apply for a DFG, you must contact Essex County Council’s Adult Social Care department on 0345 603 7630. They will advise you further and will arrange for an Occupational Therapist to visit you at your home to assess your needs.
If you need adaptations made to your property, the Occupational Therapist will send in a recommendation to the Council’s Private Sector Housing Service.
Housing Association tenants are firstly required to approach the Housing Association with regard the funding of the proposed adaptation. The Private Sector Housing Service will approach the Housing Association for evidence of their adaptations budget and evidence that they are maximising the use of their existing assets e.g. accessible housing registers, before agreeing any grant funding.