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Exciting new tenant for Great Wakering Pavilion


The Council has agreed to lease the Great Wakering Pavilion to ATF Southend (Achieve Thrive Flourish) for use as a community-based sports and leisure centre.

As part of the Council’s Business Plan, officers were looking to utilise the asset for the benefit of the community and last year the Council advertised for expressions of interest on the pavilion.

Since 2012, ATF (Achieve Thrive Flourish) has worked with communities and young people at risk of exclusion to provide a safe environment, increased opportunity and enhanced wellbeing.

The organisation will use the sports pavilion and tennis court as a community hub for sports, physical, health and wellbeing activities. The lease agreement will run for 28 years.

A Council spokesperson said: “This was an asset which was being underused and we are delighted that ATF Southend is coming on board to transform the pavilion and create a real benefit to the local community and especially young people.”

Stuart Long, CEO, ATF Southend, said: "We are delighted with the opportunity to allow free activities for young people and families within our community. At a time when the cost of living crisis is providing real challenges for families we will now be in a position to be able to offer more support."

The single storey pavilion, which contains changing rooms, toilets and shower room, is adjacent to the Sports Centre and football fields.

The building needs significant improvements to bring it up to the standard needed. The long lease and peppercorn rent will allow AFT Southend to make the necessary investment.