Applying for affordable housing in the District - Housing Register
How can I apply for the housing register?
All applicants must complete a Housing Application form (H1).
You can complete the online Housing Register Application form H1 in the Related Content section
What information do I need?
The information required will vary depending upon each applicant circumstances.
All applicants will have to produce ID, birth certificates, proof of residency, proof of income/benefit and bank statement for all members of your household.
If you own a property we will require an up to date valuation and proof of any mortgage including proof of any loans secured on the property
If you are renting we will require a copy of your tenancy agreement and if you have received a notice to quit or possession order.
If any person on the application has a medical condition we will require evidence of this medical condition and how it is being impacted by where you are currently living. If you want your medical condition to be considered as part of your application, the Council medical form (H3) must be completed.
The quickest way is to download a copy of the H3 form the Related Content section on this page.
Am I eligible to apply for the housing register?
The eligibility criteria is set out in the Rochford District Council Allocation Scheme (H2) available in the Related Content section on this page.
What can I do if I can not supply the supporting documents?
If you do not have the documents requested in support of your application you can still submit an application and you will be given a limited time to provide the extra documentation.
Failure to provide all required information and evidence will inevitably result in a delay in your housing application being processed and your application may be cancelled.
How long until my application is assessed?
Where all the supporting information is supplied, usually an applicant will be assessed within 4 working weeks.
Why am I in this Band?
The Banding criteria is set out in the Rochford District Council Allocation Scheme (H2) available in the Related Content section on this page.
The Banding reflects the reasonable preference groups that Government Legislation says that the local Authority has to assist through the Housing Register The band you are placed in will be based on the information that you supply as part of your application
How long until I get housed?
This will depend on the type of property/bedroom need and area requested. There is an average waiting time guideline in the Related Content section on this page.
These are just an average and some applicants may be housed quicker dependent upon the number of vacancies that become available.
How will I know what position I am on the housing register?
We do not give out positions any more, as an applicant’s position may change on a daily basis depending on which Banding an application receives and the number of vacancies that become available and therefore position on the Housing register does not reflect the possible waiting time for a property Bands are ordered by date of application
I have not been accepted on the housing register when can I reapply?
If your circumstances change you can reapply at any time. If you were refused on eligibility grounds e.g. No Local Connection, you will need to wait until you are able to meet the eligibility criteria before you re-apply If you were refused due to rent arrears the debt would need to be cleared or reduced to a small amount.
Can I apply for a transfer?
The Council do not hold a transfer list, you would need to contact your housing association / Landlord. However If you have a housing need such as medical condition or overcrowding that is being affected by your current Housing, then you will need to complete a H1 form and then this will be assessed in line with our new Housing Allocations Policy(H2) If you are accepted you will then you will be placed on the Housing Register with all other applicants.
My property is not suitable
If you believe the property you live in is not suitable you can apply to go on to the housing register. You will need to provide evidence as to why the property is not suitable and how the layout impacts on your health or welfare
You can download a copy of the Housing Allocation Scheme from the Related Content section.
How will I know that I have been nominated for a property?
When the Council receives a nomination from a housing association, the housing options officers will run a shortlist and contact the applicant at the top of the list. This is a direct nomination offer.
The applicant will be told what type of property and where it is located within the District, who the landlord/Housing Association are and any other information they have regarding the property.
Applicants can refuse a nomination but if an applicant refuses three nomination offers, they will be suspended from the housing register for 1 year.
Those applicants on the housing register, who are in Band A and are in emergency / temporary accommodation will not be able to refuse a suitable offer of accommodation and will only be given one direct nomination offer.
How do you assess my medical grade?
Medical grades are assessed based on the evidence provided by the applicant All medicals are based on the how your medical condition is being made worse by the property you are currently living, such as ability to access the property, ability to access the facilities within the property and layout of the property
I do not agree with the decision on my housing register application
If you do not agree with the decision you can appeal with in 28 days of receiving your decision letter as set out in our Housing Allocations Policy. You should write to Housing Allocations at Rochford District Council, South Street Rochford Essex SS1 2QW
Please see Rochford District Council Allocation Scheme (H2) available in the Related Content section on this page.
I have seen an empty property how do I apply for this property?
If you are not already on the list you cannot just for apply for a specific property as it is unlikely that you would get an immediate offer upon joining the Housing register, you can still apply to join the housing Register if you have a housing need. Please see below on how vacant properties are allocated.
Will I have a “new Development” property?
We do not guarantee what type of property you will be nominated to. It could be from the existing housing stock. There are only a limited number of new housing units and these are allocated in line with our policy (see below) when they become available.
For more information
Where: This FAQ will continue to be updated.
Email: using this online form
Phone: 01702 318030
Main Switchboard Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.30pm, Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm
A Housing Options duty Officer is available
Monday – Thursday between 9.00 am – 4.30pm
Friday 9.00 am – 4.00pm