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Joint Administration sets out its vision for the future of Rayleigh’s Mill Arts and Events Centre


Joint Administration sets out its vision for the future of Rayleigh’s Mill Arts and Events Centre

The future of the Rayleigh’s Mill Arts and Events Centre was on the agenda at Rochford District Council’s meeting of Full Council last week (Thursday 9 September).

Councillors agreed the objectives for the Mill Arts and Events Centre’s main function to be to support the arts and events sector and that any food and drink offering within it, is a commercial and competitive offering to support events being held there.

Ensuring the future operating model of the Centre is commercially viable and environmentally sustainable were also key objectives agreed by councillors at the meeting.

A budget has been allocated to re-open the bar, which a third-party will operate, to support events being held at the Centre to make it more attractive to potential bookings.

Further market research to gain an insight into what residents would like the building to offer and a structural survey on the roof of the building will also take place to help inform a full business case on the future operating model of Mill Arts & Events Centre.

Following the meeting, Councillor John Mason, Leader of Rochford District Council said: “On behalf of the Joint Administration, I hope that the decisions we have agreed cement the future of Mills Arts and Events Centre and our aims for its main function to be the hub of arts and events in not just Rayleigh, but the whole District. That’s the vision and that’s what our community have told us they want.

“This is just the start though, next comes up to date market research and a structural survey, before a full business case on how we can make sure the Centre is sustainable and successful comes back to Full Council.”

Councillor Vilma Wilson, Rochford District Council’s Lead Member for Assets and Facilities, added: “We want the Mill Arts and Events Centre to thrive, and we hope that these interim steps we have agreed, like getting the bar re-opened for events being held there – is the start of attracting even more bookings.

“I would like to thank the Council’s leisure team who have been and continue to, operate the Centre since it reopened last September. The feedback we have been getting back from the groups using the building has been really positive.

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