As part of the early engagement that the Council undertook to inform the preparation of the first stage of the new Local Plan, the Issues and Options document, the Council held community engagement workshops at local parishes in Summer/Autumn 2016. The purpose of these workshops was to explain the role of the Parish Councils in plan-making and to help build up a clear vision for the future for each parish and the wider district. The workshops were also supplemented by a survey to enable all those unable to attend a workshop the chance to have their say on the future of the district. This early engagement follows the principles for engaging and consulting with local communities set out in the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement, adopted on 19 July 2016. Engagement included consulting local residents and businesses and other interested parties on planning matters. Initial Officer responses to the issues raised can be found within the Consultation Statement below.
Workshop documents
The materials produced for, during and after the workshops can be downloaded from the table below.
Consultation Statement
The Consultation Statement found here, sets out the ways in which the Council has sought to engage with local communities and the methods undertaken to notify them – including residents and businesses. The document includes the issues that have been raised during the Workshops and Survey consultations, and an initial Officer response to these issues.