Present: Cllr M J Steptoe, Cllr Mrs D L Belton, Cllr Mrs J R Gooding, Cllr R Milne, Cllr N J Hookway, Cllr C M Stanley, Cllr S A Wilson, Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR), Duncan Blackie
Notes: Kay Tinson
Duration: 15:00 till 16:57
Note 01/20
Welcome and Introductions
MHW welcomed all participants to the first meeting of the Partnership Panel. It was noted that attendees included Andrew Rowson and Duncan Blackie from East of England Local Government Association (EELGA) who will be supporting Members of the Panel going forward and George Farley who is the Programme Director for gbpartnerships.
Note 02/20
Introduction to gbpartnerships (Update by George Farley)
gbpartnerships were established in 2001 and undertake development/strategic consultancy work on maximising estates and property management. gbpartnerships have led on over 40 health and social care developments for public sector partners and manage a significant portfolio of £850m of managed assets. The direction of travel is towards multi-agency and system-based outcomes, such as the delivery of business cases for community hubs that integrate health and care services, leisure, education, infrastructure, and housing.
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Governance arrangements
Purpose and role of Partnership Panel
The Panel were informed that the Partnership Board meet monthly and operates successfully with a strong partnership approach. The Partnership Panel links into the Board and will be key for successful delivery of the programme.
How the Partnership Panel will work
The Panel will be the forum for communication and engagement between the Partnership Board and elected members of the Council in relation to the delivery of the Programme.
The panel has the following responsibilities:
- To receive reports from the Partnership Board and any Stakeholder Focus Group(s).
- To provide constructive challenge and feedback to the Partnership Board.
- To help maintain strong relationships with elected members of the Council.
- To advise on communication with external stakeholders including any Stakeholder Focus Group(s).
- To advise the Partnership Board of any issue that require consideration.
The Partnership Panel shall receive reports from the Council’s SRO (prepared in consultation with the Programme Director).
In response to a query regarding the frequency of the Partnership Panel meeting; MHW advised meetings will be held quarterly as a minimum and suggested monthly may be suitable to mirror the Partnership Board.
Arrangements for nomination and election of Chair
Two nominations were received for Chairmanship of the Partnership Panel:
- Cllr Steptoe nominated by Cllr Gooding, seconded by Cllr Milne
- Cllr Wilson nominated by Cllr Stanley, seconded by Cllr Hookway.
A vote was taken by a show of hands as follows:
For Cllr Steptoe (4)
Cllr Gooding, Cllr Milne, Cllr Belton, Cllr Steptoe
For Cllr Wilson (3)
Cllr Stanley, Cllr Hookway, Cllr Wilson
Cllr Steptoe was elected as Chair of the Partnership Panel.
Exercise facilitated by Andrew Rowson
Due to a prior engagement, Cllr Milne left the meeting at 16:00.
Andrew Rowson led a facilitated session. Members debated (without Officers and Advisors present) the three key outcomes that they wished the ADP to deliver. The outcomes were as follows:
- Viability/sustainability of the Council’s assets and the Programme
- Being accountable to residents
- Quality and future proofing of the Council’s assets
It was noted that the Asset Strategy, agreed by Council in 2018, had 3 objectives: Transformation, Regeneration and Financial Objectives.
The Panel stated that communication will be vital between the Panel/Board and a clear vision/strategy and consistent message will need to be developed.
It was noted that a dedicated Comms and Engagement Workstream has been established, led by Dawn Tribe.
Review of Terms of Reference
The Terms of reference were reviewed and agreed.
The Partnership Panel meetings are not public meetings and participants noted any commercially sensitive information received going forward should not be shared.
Guests can be brought into individual meetings to update the Panel as and when necessary with the agreement of the Chair.
Angela Law shall be producing an advice note regarding any potential conflict of interest for Members sitting on both the Panel and Development Committee. Action: AL
MHW will chair the Stakeholder Focus Group which is being led by Dawn Tribe. A full list of stakeholders has been identified. Action: MHW will discuss with Dawn Tribe if Parish Councils and Ward Councillors will be included on the Stakeholder Groups and update accordingly.
Note 04/20
Standing items for next/future meetings
The following items were agreed as future standing agenda items:
- Note of previous meeting/matters arising
- Overview of programme status / timetable
- Reports from Partnership Board
- Communication and engagement
- Member issues and questions
- Items for next Partnership Board
Note 05/20
Any Other Business
- The Chairman requested monthly meetings be diarised up to April 2021. Action: MHW and GF will discuss outside this meeting to ensure future meetings link to Partnership Board meetings.
- In answer to a query regarding site visits to the Mill and Freight House MHW advised this is something that could be arranged going forward.