Present: Chairman - Cllr R R Dray (RD), D S Efde (DE) , Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), Dawn Tribe (DT), Nikki Hopkins (gbpartnerships) (NH), Andrew Rowson (East of England Local Government Association) (AR), Duncan Blackie (East of England Local Government Association) (DB), Cllr C C Cannell (CC), Cllr J L Lawmon (JL), Cllr J E Newport (JN), Cllr A L Williams (AW), Kirk Hardy (Gleeds) (KH)
Apologies: Cllr M G Wilkinson, Cllr S E Wootton, George Farley (gbpartnerships)
Notes: Helen Lock (from recording)
Note 55/21
Notes of meeting held on 26 May 2021 and matters arising
The Chairman opened the meeting and reminded Members that the content of the meeting was private and confidential in nature. The notes of the meeting will however be made public.
MHW introduced Andrew Rowson and Duncan Blackie from the East of England Local Government Association, Kirk Hardy from Gleeds and Nikki Hopkins from gbpartnerships. He then revisited the Terms of Reference for the benefit of new Members of the Partnership Panel, setting out that the Panel is the forum to engage Members on the ADP, to build consensus and ensure a clear link between the Stakeholder Group and the Partnership Board.
The Notes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record with one correction. Item 53/21- Recommendations to the Partnership Board. Recommendation 3) should be amended to read:
“That the Partnership Board look at the possibility of direct funding for, but not limited to, arts and culture in relation to the Mill Hall site, and if there is suitable funding, whether this could result in a variation to the current plans for that site under the Asset Delivery Programme.”
Note 56/21
Risk Analysis
A presentation was given by Andrew Rowson (East of England Local Government Association) (AR) on ADP Risk Management.
AR had been supporting the Council for two years, particularly on risk management. He has concluded that the Council was following best practice in this vital area. Risk was treated as high priority and a robust process was in place. Risks were identified, assessed, tracked and mitigated following risk management principles.
MHW confirmed that the “stop-go” decision would be taken in the autumn by Full Council for CSC1 (the Rochford sites and the Civic Suite) and reiterated that the full Risk Register had been published to all Councillors in September 2020 as an exempt appendix.
Note 57/21
Options for subdivision of main hall (Freight House)
The Chairman advised attendees that this had previously been discussed at the Partnership Panel meeting on 23/04/21 (item 44/21 in the Notes).
There was a presentation by MHW on the options and costs of subdividing the Main Hall at the Freight House.
It was noted that the rationale for subdivision was to provide greater flexibility of space sizes and to help to prepare one space whilst the other is in use in order to speed transition from one user to the next.
Acoustic separation qualities and costings of options had been provided by an acoustic engineer. The challenges of retrofitting acoustic dividers was discussed as was the cost benefit analysis of the options.
It was agreed to recommend to the Programme Board to pursue the option of an acoustic curtain solution. Further design work would be carried out to firm up the specification, the storage solution and the costs.
Note 58/21
Landscaping of Freight House
MHW gave a verbal update on the options and costs being considered for landscaping of the existing building and the proposed new build. MHW outlined the two options being considered. Option 2 included an improved setting for the entrance to the new building, a greater degree of planting and an improvement to the access to the open space.
It was noted that the Council’s Open Spaces officer had provided input on the matter and that the Council would be responsible for the maintenance of any proposed landscaping.
MHW had spoken to the Council’s Open Spaces Officer about improvements to the open space adjacent to the site and this will be considered by the Open Spaces Team. It was noted that this will further improve the setting of the building and its appeal for community uses and indeed staff and Members that visit the building.
It was agreed to recommend to the Programme Board that option 2 be pursued. This option included the improvement of the steps leading down the grass bank to the rear and an enhancement around the main entrance to help visitors identify the new entrance and ensure the building flows better and enhanced landscaping to new pedestrian entrance.
Note 59/21
Communication and Engagement: Update on publication of engagement feedback
The Chairman advised that the information from the communication and engagement would be published at the end of June and until that time the information was to be treated as strictly private and confidential.
DT advised that all information received was currently being collated and would be made available to the Partnership Board ahead of publication.
NH confirmed that the results of the surveys were reported to the last meeting of the Partnership Panel and all other information received from webinars, letters, emails etc. was also being reviewed.
Note 60/21
Member Questions
MHW confirmed that engagement feedback would be presented to the Partnership Board and then would be made public.
MHW advised that the stop / go decision in the Autumn would provide the detail of the final costs of the proposals once all work had been completed.
MHW advised that the open space at the Freight House was outside the scope of the specification for this programme and that the open space was the responsibility of the Council to maintain.
MHW confirmed that the specification for both the proposed new build community centre and Freight House was to target BREEAM Excellent, while the specification for the refurbished existing Freight House building was to target BREEAM Very Good. This means they would be highly environmentally sustainable buildings. GF would be asked to outline what steps were being taken to achieve this objective. It was noted this item had previously been to the Panel but an update could be provided.
Note 61/21
Items for next Partnership Board
The views of the Panel as set out in note number 57/21 and 58/21 would be made know to the Board at its next meeting.
Note 62/21
Any Other Business
The next meeting will be held on 14 July 2021.