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Partnership Panel Meeting Notes - 17/12/21

Attendees: Cllr R R Dray (Chairman), Cllr D S Efde (DE), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JRL), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr J L Lawmon (JL), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Matt Harwood-White (MHW)

Guests: Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Colin Taylor (CT), Naomi Lucas (NL)

Notes: Kay Tinson (from recording)

Duration: 10:00 to 11:31 

Note 95/21

Notes of previous meeting/matters arising

The notes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.  The Chairman welcomed JL as a new member and reminded members that discussions are to be treated as private and confidential, the notes of the meeting will be published as the public record of the meeting.

Matters arising


Note 96/21

Community Centre Workstream

As set out in the report to Council, the Partnership Panel via the Community Centre Workstream will play a significant part in the development of the separate outline business case for the Mill Arts and Events Centre. To ensure the project is sufficiently resourced to complete the work, as efficiently as possible, the Council have appointed Mr Colin Taylor (CT) of East of England Local Government Association (EELGA) to assist.

CT introduced himself advising members his role is one of support to develop a solution for the Mill Arts and Events site.  Terms of Reference of the workstream were shared and objectives highlighted. The workstream will revisit the Council’s requirements for the Mill Arts & Events Centre site. Consideration will be made to the process and wider Asset Delivery Programme. Members were reminded that any change to the Council’s requirements would be subject to the limitations of procurement law, commercial negotiation and is dependent upon agreement of contractual terms which were accepted to both the Council and gbpartnerships (gbp). There is a degree of latitude to investigate different solutions for the site and ideas brought forward will be tested against the context of the above.

NL provided a presentation reminding members of the Final Business Case (FBC) financial capital costs exempt information, noting the figures were estimated circa 18 months ago. The final costs will be prepared for the Stop/Go decision at Full Council.  NL provided a summary of financial implications of revisiting the Council’s requirements for the Mill Arts & Events Centre site, including potential loss of capital receipts and increased build costs, along with erosion of the anticipated cost avoidance set out in the FBC which is already assumed within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) position, so would increase the future budget gap.  

SW reminded Members that the Council’s original anticipated £1.5m net investment in the project was to provide state of the art RDC offices in Rochford, disposing of buildings that are surplus to requirement and reinvesting in new multi-purpose community facilities in Rayleigh.     

Members were informed that determination of planning for 5 of the 6 sites is expected February/March 2022. A detailed design phase would also be carried out to enable costings to be finalised in preparation for a ‘Stop/Go’ decision in the Summer.

Workstream Next Steps

The following next steps were noted:

  • Regular Panel meetings: The Chairman will agree dates with MHW and calendar invitations shall be issued.      
  • Stakeholder meetings: Continue engagement with internal and external stakeholders working with Dawn Tribe to facilitate. The Chairman expressed desire for the Partnership Panel to be involved in decisions regarding Stakeholder liaison. 
  • Options analysis: The group will target the end of February 2022 for the drafting of a position paper regarding the site. 
  • Outline Business Case (OBC): This will follow the position paper. Gleeds will support the Council to produce a new OBC which will be reported back to Council. 

Members were reminded that Council agreed to revisit the requirements and this would be subject to contractual negotiation

CT thanked members for their input and departed the meeting. 

Note 97/21

Update on other sites within the Programme

Planning applications have been submitted for all sites, bar the Mill Arts and Events Centre.  Once validated, they shall be available on the Planning Portal and Voyage website. All Members are encouraged to view the Voyage website ( which displays a PDF guide showing how each scheme has evolved through the process and information on how the schemes have evolved following the engagement feedback. 

Note 98/21

Communication and engagement

  • Voyage website will be continually updated.
  • Stakeholder engagement will be led by Dawn Tribe.
  • Physical meetings will be held where possible, restrictions permitting. 

Note 99/21

Member issues and questions

DE requested, where possible, physical meetings with the public.

MS highlighted the potential opportunity to include the piece of land adjacent to the sensory gardens which runs down to London Hill. It was noted that this could be considered, however it does not form part of the land considered within the contract. Action: MHW to investigate.

Note 100/21

Items for next Partnership Panel

It was noted that physical meetings would be preferred going forward but this would be subject to guidance at the time.

Note 101/21

Any Other Business

The Chairman thanked Members for their comments and CT for his presentation and input.