Attendees: Cllr R R Dray (Chairman), Cllr D S Efde (DE), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JL), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), Cllr J L Lawmon (JLL)
Guests: Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Cllr M G Wilkinson (MW), Cllr J E Cripps (JC), Colin Taylor (CT), Kirk Hardy (KH)
Apologies: Naomi Lucas (NL)
Notes: Julie O’Brien (from recording)
Duration: 10:00 to 12:01
Note 27/22
Notes of previous meeting/matters arising
The notes of the meeting held on 4 March 2022 were agreed as an accurate record. Subject to an update on item 23/22 – top paragraph on page 2 which is to follow.
Note 28/22
Community Centre Workstream
Outputs from last meeting
CT recapped on key topics from the last meeting:
- The key headlines of the Outline Business Case was presented by CT and NL and acted as a useful reminder for Members of the underlying financials for the programme as a whole and the Mill site.
- The type of centre considered appropriate and its legacy.
- General consensus that the Mill site has a community centre focus with the facility to host events.
It was recognised that the market research carried out to date was useful and that further market research should be undertaken as part of any future business case.
Draft Position Paper
CT explained that the Position Paper was drafted using the outputs from each of the meetings the Panel had held.
The Group walked through the Position Paper in its draft form, with CT reiterating its content for Members consideration.
This paper reflects the wide range of views held by elected Members, detailing where the Workstream has built a consensus and highlighting where differing views have been articulated.
Topics explored in the Paper include:
- Residential development
- Consideration of new build and refurbishment
- User requirements
- Funding options
- Next steps
- Market research
The merits of a new build facility or the refurb option were discussed and it was noted this would be referenced in the Position Paper.
MHW and KH noted that the next stage in this process was the Outline Business Case which would include further analysis and costings of refurb and new build options.
MHW confirmed that the Position Paper would be finalised and published by close of play on 25 March 2022.
Action: CT to add in at last paragraph on Section 4 that ‘both rebuild and refurbishment options to be assessed at the Outline Business Case stage’
Action: CT to correct reference to Brentwood Theatre to read ‘Basildon’ Theatre
The Group recognised that there was a direct relationship between increasing the size of the building and the associated capital and revenue costs.
Funding options previously discussed were outlined as set out in the paper.
MHW advised that, the commitment to hold in-person engagement before any formal decision is taken at the Mill site still stands.
Action: CT to include reference to holding in-person engagements within the Position Paper
CT commended Members on their progress made and another open, honest, and productive debate.
The Chairman extended his thanks to all present for their contributions.
Note 29/22
Communication and engagement
The Position Paper publication and press release on 25 March 2022 is the next step.
Note 30/22
Items for next Partnership Board
Position Paper to be finalised and published.
Note 31/22
Next meeting - Friday, 25 March 2022