Present: Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Cllr Mrs D L Belton (DB), Cllr R Milne (RM), Cllr Mrs J R Gooding (JG), Cllr N J Hookway (NH), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Duncan Blackie (DB), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR), Peter Buist (PB) item 13/20 and 14/20 only Cllr M Lucas-Gill (MLG), Cllr A Williams (AW) item 13/20 only Cllr R Dray (RD), Cllr M Wilkinson (MW) item 14/20 only
Apologies: Cllr S A Wilson (SW)
Notes: Kay Tinson - from recording
Duration: 15:02 till 16:50
Note 13/20
Presentation facilitated by gbpartnerships: Freight House
George Farley and Peter Buist introduced themselves to Ward Members Cllr Lucas-Gill and Cllr Williams who were invited to attend this presentation as Ward Members.
PB presented the early indicative scheme drawings. The schemes were brought forward by understanding the Council’s vision for the sites as set out in the Output Specification approved by Council. It was reiterated that these were early plans and further engagement will be taking place with the community and stakeholders lead by a dedicated workstream.
In answer to a query regarding a footpath leading from the rear of the site, PB stated that level of detail had not been developed, but the location was noted and any potential impact upon the design would be analysed in due course.
The output specification sets out the requirement for the Council’s Civic functions to be located at the Freight House through the provision a new civic hub and this combines the operational administrative, community and civic functions along with the continuation of existing community uses within the existing Freight House. The proposal consists of an extension to the south of the existing Freight House accommodating the Council office space. Linking the two buildings shall be a glazed ‘welcoming zone’ incorporating digitally enabled self-service modules for members of the public. Office space shall be designed to accommodate different types of environments for staff to work within. The open plan desk ratio shall be 7:10 to enable agile working. A series of breakout spaces will also be provided. Proposals do not largely change the existing Freight House layout, however, the building will be refurbished and the internal layout improved. The main large function space (the Great Eastern Room) shall be a multi-function hall that will house the Council Chamber, this space will also continue to be available for community use. It will be a flexible and subdivisible space. The Pullman suite will also be retained for community use as will the Carriage room. A mezzanine floor above the Pullman suite will incorporate further staff office space at first floor level. The new build extension will allow for efficient and sustainable ventilation systems and maximise natural light. There is a desire to improve the fabric detail of the Freight House and replace existing heating system with energy efficient systems. The site will be sustainable and as previously reported the existing building will target BREEAM very good and the new build will target BREAAM excellent, an over achievement of Council policy.
PB clarified that the ground level for new build shall be slightly higher than the existing Freight House. The multi-function main hall shall accommodate a Chamber and community uses that is flexible with furniture that can be packed away and securely stored. Selection of furniture and items shall be key and enhancements made to the room, such as acoustics and installation of suitable audio visual equipment. Wheelchair access of the wider site and building will be incorporated into the masterplan. Extractors/ventilation shall be fitted into kitchenette areas to eliminate unwanted odours. A heritage impact assessment and ground surveys will be completed as part of the technical condition.
MS requested that, going forward, Cllr Williams and Cllr Lucas-Gill submit any queries to the Panel. Cllr Williams and Cllr Lucas-Gill left the meeting at 15:47.
Note 14/20
Presentation facilitated by gbpartnerships: The New Community Centre in Rayleigh
George Farley and Peter Buist introduced themselves to Cllr Dray and Cllr Wilkinson who joined the meeting as Ward Members.
PB presented the early indicative scheme drawings. The schemes were brought forward by understanding the Council’s vision for the sites as set out in the Output Specification approved by Council. It was reiterated that these were early plans and further engagement will be taking place with the community and stakeholders lead by a dedicated workstream.
PB presented the drawings showing the location of the new purpose built community centre adjacent to the Windmill. PB advised this was the concept design stage and proposals will be developed going forward. The layout will enhance site lines from Bellingham Lane to the Mount and the Windmill. The scheme set out a mixed residential development to the west of the north/south access from Bellingham Lane and on the east is the new community centre and associated car parking.
The community centre entrance shall look towards the windmill. The building shall be flexible, future proofed and adaptable. It will incorporate circa 170m2 of flexible community space. The main hall of 150m2 will be subdivisible. This could be increased to 170m2 by opening up and incorporating an additional 20m2 anteroom if required. Catering facilities shall be located on the ground floor. A mezzanine floor above the hall shall host Council office space and partner services (RRAVS, OACS and Citizens Advice).
A Ward Member noted the very positive design.
In answer to questions raised, PB advised:
- The proposal is to have gender neutral WC’s but this is subject to further design considerations.
- Design is sensitive due to the site being in a conservation area, located next to a scheduled ancient monument site and listed windmill.
- Public car parking at the scheme was discussed and the proposals deliver on the requirements agreed within the Output Specification.
- Capacity of the facility was discussed and this would be dependant on the type and layout of each event. Analysis completed during the Outline Business Case stage demonstrated that the design could cater for all weekly and monthly bookings bar two in their current format.
- Options for the use of temporary staging and changing areas were discussed.
MS requested that, going forward, Cllr Dray, Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr Burton submit any queries to the Panel. Cllr Dray, Cllr Wilkinson and Peter Buist left the meeting at 16:31.
GF advised an Energy Strategy is being developed and could be shared with the Panel once available.
Note 15/20
Communication and Engagement
MHW informed the Panel:
- Ward Members will continue to be engaged.
- Dawn Tribe has diarised a meeting with Parish Councils and Rayleigh Town Council.
- Stakeholder Focus Groups are being developed.
- The Voyage website is now live and queries are being responded to where necessary.
GF advised further work with the stakeholders will be undertaken prior to plans being made publicly available.
Note 16/20
Member Issues and Questions
None arising.
Note 17/20
Items for next Partnership Panel – Friday, 29 January 2021
- Feedback from Parish/Town meeting and Stakeholder Group.
- Overview of South Street and Civic Suite developments.
Note 18/20
Notes of Partnership Panel Meeting on 27 November and matters arising
The notes were agreed.