Attendees: Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JM), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr M G Wilkinson (MW), Cllr J E Cripps (JC), Matt Harwood-White (MHW),
Cllr J R F Mason substitute for Cllr M Hoy
Guests: Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Cllr Mrs C M Mason, Cllr J R F Mason, Cllr J E Newport, Cllr J L Lawmon (JLL), Cllr M J Webb (MJW)
Apologies: Cllr M Hoy (MH), Naomi Lucas (NL)
Notes: Kay Tinson (From recording)
Duration: 14:00 - 14:50
Note 36/22
Welcome & Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Cllr Steptoe welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Appointment of Chairman
Cllr Steptoe nominated by Cllr Lumley, seconded by Cllr Wilkinson. No other nominations were received. Cllr Steptoe was elected as Chair of the Partnership Panel.
The Chairman nominated Cllr Lumley as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Cripps.
Cllr Lumley was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Partnership Panel.
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Notes of previous meeting/matters arising
The notes of the meeting held on 25 March 2022 were agreed with no matters arising.
For the benefit of new members, MHW advised that the panel has the following responsibilities:
- To receive reports from the Partnership Board and any Stakeholder Focus Group(s).
- To provide constructive challenge and feedback to the Partnership Board.
- To help maintain strong relationships with elected members of the Council.
- To advise on communication with external stakeholders including any Stakeholder Focus Group(s).
- To advise the Partnership Board of any issue that require consideration.
It was noted that following the decision taken at the meeting of the Executive on 13 July, the Mill site is no longer part of the ADP and will therefore no longer be an Agenda item at Partnership Panel meetings.
The other sites however remain within the ADP and the Panel will continue to carry out its role with regard to these remaining sites.
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South Street sites, Civic Suite and Freight House next steps
MHW provided an update:
South Street, Rochford sites
All South Street sites have been granted planning permission except No. 57 South Street.
Despite GBP commissioning heritage architects, town planning experts and technical experts they have been unable to secure the support of the Local Planning Authority for the scheme at 57 South Street that has been put forward. GBP have taken the decision to appeal the site for non-determination. The contract contemplated this and there is therefore a mechanism within the contract to enable this to happen.
Freight House
Planning permission has been granted. Detailed design can now commence which will further inform the construction costs for Freight House to inform the ‘stop/go’ decision.
The impact of inflation on the construction industry was noted.
It was noted that GBP colleagues will be invited to future meetings.
Action: GBP to be invited to the series of meetings (KT).
Detail of the residual land values of the Civic Suite site and South Street sites will be included within a report to Council to inform the ‘stop/go’ decision.
MHW highlighted a Local Partnership Gateway Review for the programme has been commissioned for late August/early September. The panel will be asked to be interviewed as part of the review process. Local Partnerships are owned by HM Government and the Treasury, they carry out independent reviews of large scale projects using experts with extensive experience in this field.
Members are encouraged to visit the website link for more information regarding Local Partnerships.
Note 39/22
The Mill next steps
Expressions of Interest submitted will be reviewed in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Assets and Leisure.
Action: Item to be removed from future Agenda as this site is no longer a part of the ADP (KT).
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Future meetings
It was agreed that monthly meetings would be scheduled.
Any hybrid meetings going forward are to be held via Teams.
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Matters for next meeting
Cost plans and residual land value information.
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Any Other Business
None arising.