Attendees: Cllr R R Dray (Chairman), Cllr D S Efde (DE), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JM), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr J L Lawmon (JL), Matt Harwood-White (MHW) (Attended virtually), Naomi Lucas (NL)
Guests: Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Colin Taylor (CT), Kirk Hardy (KH) (Attended virtually), Cllr M G Wilkinson (MW)
Apologies: Cllr M J Steptoe
Notes: Kay Tinson
Duration: 10:00 to 12:15
Note 07/22
Notes of previous meeting/matters arising
The notes of the meeting held on 7 January 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.
Note 08/22
Community Centre Workstream
SW reminded the Panel that as per the report to Council in December 2021 the Panel has committed to revisit its requirements for the Mill Arts & Events Centre site.
Members undertook a tour of the site noting the dimensions of each of the spaces.
Refurbishment, remodelling and new build considerations for the building were discussed.
It was noted that refurbishment would not deliver the level of environmental sustainability the Council was seeking to achieve.
It was further noted that remodelling would not deliver the operational and financial efficiencies the Council was seeking to achieve.
It was noted that a new build would enable an internal layout to be specified to address user requirements, and to ensure the spaces were flexible and future proofed. A new build would also enable the environmental sustainability ambitions the Council has to be realised. A new build would also deliver financial efficiencies, a sustainable facility and an improved offer to user groups.
It was noted that current proposals include provision for RRAVS and CA, stakeholder meetings had been held with these partners to discuss the functionality of the proposed space.
After consideration of potential costs and benefits there was consensus that a new build would be preferable to refurbishment or remodelling.
The type of events previously held in the Mill were discussed and it was noted these ranged from (but not limited to):
- Shows/seated events
- Weddings
- Parties/social events
- Sports clubs/activities
- Market stall events
- Meetings
It was noted that Members considered shows and seated events to be a high priority.
It was further noted that the larger of these types of events were held more infrequently than smaller events
Note 09/22
Communication and engagement
The proposed workstream statement, shared by CT was agreed
Note 10/22
Items for next Partnership Board
CT agreed to circulate items for the next meeting.
Note 11/22
Any Other Business
The group will target the end of February 2022 for the drafting of a position paper regarding the site.
Members agreed that it would be beneficial to hold the next meeting physically.
The Panel was reminded that all Members receive details of when the meetings are to be held and how to request joining instructions.
Action: KH to provide more detail on numbers around options for scale/spec of site for next meeting to facilitate further discussions on size and scope of proposals.