Present: Chairman - Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Cllr Mrs D L Belton (DLB), Cllr Mrs J R Gooding (JG), Cllr R Milne (BM), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Cllr S A Wilson (SW), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR), Duncan Blackie (DB), Dawn Tribe (DT), Peter Buist (PB), Nicola Hopkins (NH), Cllr M J Lucas-Gill (MLG), Cllr A L Williams (AW), Cllr R R Dray (RD), Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Kirk Hardy (KH)
Apologies: Cllr M Wilkinson, Cllr M Hoy, Cllr J E Newport, Cllr N J Hookway
Notes: Kay Tinson
Duration: 10:00 till 12:24
Note 42/21
Notes of Interim meeting held on 12 March 2021 and meeting held on 26 March 2021 and matters arising
The notes were agreed as an accurate record.
The Chairman welcomed attendees to the meeting and reminded members certain aspects of the discussion were private and confidential in nature.
Note 43/21
Programme Update – non retained
The Advice Note previously issued by the Monitoring Officer was noted. Those who sit, or may in the future sit, on Development Committee need to take care not to place themselves in a position of bias and predetermine themselves on the application while discussing the proposals.
No 19: Planning and listed building consent was granted prior to commencement of the programme. The technical detail has been produced co-ordinating information from design team members, in particular structural, mechanical, electrical, acoustic and fire input.
The Energy Strategy has been reviewed for 3-15 and 19 with the proposed solution to provide all electric system in terms of heating and ventilation.
GB continue to develop the schemes and are undertaking a pre application process, the proposals will continue to evolve as this feedback is considered.
Feedback from the engagement process will be presented to the Partnership Panel at the next meeting prior to any formal decisions being taken.
Note 44/21
Programme Update – retained
Freight House
Access – Proposal is to introduce a new accessible pedestrian ramp from Bradley Way to the northern end of the Freight House. This is a new requirement identified during the design phase. A second entrance to the atrium would be to the east accessed via the existing steps which would be enhanced. There will also be a wheelchair ramped entrance at the southern end of the new building. The cost was supplied to Members. This matter has been the subject of the formal Change Control Process.
GF explained that greywater recycling systems collect water used in sinks, dishwashers, showers and baths which is cleaned and plumbed straight back into toilets, washing machines and outside taps. Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rain. Greywater systems are generally used in a home. GBP undertook to deliver a sustainable solution going above and beyond the Council’s actual planning requirements and achieve the BREEAM excellent accreditation. The proposal is to take forward rainwater harvesting, this was supported by Members.
Subdivision of the main hall at the Freight House. Options include a ‘soft’ acoustic curtain solution or ‘hard’ divider solution. The hard option is the more expensive but offers greater noise reduction, neither would be a full acoustic seal. The advantages and disadvantages of each system were debated including costs, sound reduction, technical challenges and operational considerations. Further information will be brought back to the Panel at its next meeting.
Members Questions
- KH advised the cost associated with the ramp access has been reviewed by a Quantity Surveyor and has been agreed.
- KH confirmed that additional costs and maintenance would be required to utilise a greywater solution compared to the proposed rainwater harvesting system.
- KH confirmed the heating strategy for 3-15 South Street met the output specification.
- GF stated topographical surveys had taken place.
- Consideration is to be given into site visits to locations where acoustic solutions have been undertaken successfully.
Community Centre
A Changing Places facility was not included within the proposed scheme as this was not within the specification. The site will however meet the DDA in full. The scheme proposals included WC provision of gender neutral WCs. Consideration will be given to the option of unisex or gender neutral toilets at the proposed facility. Feedback from the engagement process will be presented to the Partnership Panel at the next meeting prior to any formal decisions being taken.
Note 45/21
Communication and Engagement
It was noted that 157 people completed a survey with regard to the Rochford sites with Freight House of particular interest. The Engagement feedback for all sites would be discussed in detail at the next meeting.
Note 46/21
Risk Analysis
AR shared screen and requested Members bring forward their top 3 risks for debate at the next meeting. It was noted the 3 principle objectives of the programme, established at the first Partnership Panel meeting were:
- viability and sustainability of the Council’s assets and programme
- being accountable to residents
- quality and future proofing of the Council’s assets.
Note 47/21
Items for next Partnership Board
- Communication and engagement
- Risk analysis
Note 48/21
Any Other Business
Chair requested discussion with MHW outside this meeting with regard to frequency of future meetings.
The Chair thanked MLG for his hard work and input as he will be leaving the Council.