Present: Cllr M J Steptoe (Chairman), Cllr Mrs D L Belton, Cllr R Milne, Cllr S A Wilson, Cllr J R Gooding, Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR), Nicola Hopkins, Dawn Tribe, Cllr C M Stanley, Cllr S E Wootton, Cllr D S Efde, Cllr I H Ward, Peter Buist (PB), Duncan Blackie, Cllr M J Lucas-Gill, Cllr A L Williams, Cllr Mrs C M Mason, Cllr D J Sperring, Sonia Worthington (SW), Cllr J E Newport, Cllr M Hoy, Angela Law
Notes: Kay Tinson – from recording
Duration: 15:00 till 17:00
Note 36/21
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and reminded members information provided should be treated as private and confidential and not shared until notes are agreed.
George Farley, Peter Buist and Duncan Blackie introduced themselves.
Note 37/21
Notes of Partnership Panel Meeting on 26 February 2021 and matters arising
The notes were agreed as an accurate record.
Note 38/21
Scene setting and background
Attendees were reminded that a detailed output specification that set out the requirements for the Council’s assets going forward was compiled by a Member Working Group. This meeting will concentrate on the refurbishment of the Freight House. A Design User Group has been created to ensure the Council’s needs are clearly captured and are accommodated on the final design.
Note 39/21
Models adopted by other Councils
A presentation was shared on screen by AR. The key issue being how to improve conditions at the same time as retaining or enhancing civic pride and heritage. AR advised that a review of neighbouring counties had been undertaken stating that Suffolk have undertaken ‘soft’ reorganisation which included voluntary amalgamation and created shared offices. Cambridgeshire offices have remained separate, although some authorities share a Chief Executive or services such as planning. Peterborough City Council moved to Fletton Quays which was a derelict site where the Council acquired some land and built office space with a 7:10 desk ratio. The Town Hall was retained for Civic duties.
A mixture of approaches has been noted within Essex with individual authorities responsible for their own services and buildings. Brentwood Council re-modelled their Town Hall into civic offices, residential and commercial offices. It provides fit for purpose office space for staff and Members along with community use.
Note 40/21
Presentation of Freight House proposals
PB provided a presentation which concentrated on the refurbishment of the Freight House and specifically the accommodation of the Civic uses of the site.
The scheme proposes an extension of the building to the south with a new contemporary, sustainable building linked to the southern entrance via a glazed link. Accessibility from Bradley Way will be investigated and create enhanced views and connectivity with the local landscape. A pre application is being undertaken with Essex County Council and Rochford District Council to balance the impact of the new building with the locally listed Freight House.
Members were shown slides which demonstrated accessibility and connectivity of the various rooms and flexibility of the site. Acoustic, IT and audio-visual provision are being investigated in a sympathetic way to retain the heritage of the existing building.
Note 41/21
Members question and queries:
The Chairman opened the meeting to Members to ask questions and comment; the following was noted:
Sufficient space for storage is needed. Design work is ongoing exploring solutions, including different seating layouts and flexible use of furniture.
Members of the public need to be accommodated in a public gallery within the main hall when used for Civic meetings. This will be possible; the space is also larger than the current chamber and furniture will be movable making this a flexible solution.
The possibility of live streaming is also being considered, building on what the Council has delivered during the COVID pandemic.
It was noted that bare brick walls can impact acoustics, this will be investigated and is highlighted in the output specification.
It was noted that the existing pedestrian access (other than the steps across the grass bank) via the Station car park is steep and difficult to navigate for disabled users. This has been identified via the Design Team and a solution is being explored in the form of a ramp from Bradley Way.
It was noted that there will be adaptability for trunking and cabling to future proof the building.
The Suffolk Council office and chamber space that Members visited, while functional and efficient lacked any real Civic presence.
The location of power and audio within the space is being explored, this will be driven by the need to maintain flexibility of the spaces.
Increasing levels of detail will be produced and room data sheets will be compiled which will include wall coverings, flooring, furniture, and power points.
Suggestion for an area for Members to store personal belongings was noted. A public cloakroom will be provided.
It was suggested that the spaces should include a hearing loop for the hard of hearing and ensure ICT equipment was sufficient for those with colour blindness.
It was queried whether a space for Members to work from the building would be available. Officers advised the principle is one of flexible spaces, the welcome area will have flexible space and meeting pods that could potentially be used for this purpose.
It was asked if a mezzanine balcony in the main hall may assist as an acoustic solution. It was noted that this would reduce space at ground floor and add cost. It may also impact the heritage aspect of the main hall.
It was noted that work is being undertaken on a heating and cooling solution with mechanical and electrical engineers who have supplied an energy strategy for the building detailing what will be required within the offices and chamber.
A strategy is being investigated to put the units in a plant room and use ducts to ventilate the chamber.
It was noted that BREEAM target U-values will be attained followed by consideration of which materials will achieve the values. It will be looked at holistically.
A water treatment solution is being explored and will be discussed at the next meeting. It is not felt there is a way to provide a direct link from the reservoir, but rainwater attenuation is being explored.
The Chair thanked attendees for their presence and officers for presenting.