Present: Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Cllr Mrs D L Belton (DB), Cllr R Milne (RM), Cllr S A Wilson (SW), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR), Nicola Hopkins (NH), Dawn Tribe (DT)
Apologies: Cllr Mrs J R Gooding, Cllr N J Hookway, Cllr C M Stanley, Duncan Blackie
Notes: Kay Tinson
Duration: 15:00 till 16:35
Note 6/20
Notes of Partnership Panel Meeting on 14 October and matters arising
Agreed subject to the following amendments:
03/20 – Arrangements for nomination and election of Chair
Remove duplication of Cllr Gooding’s vote.
Note 7/20
Communication – Publication of notes
It was noted that as an Outside Body of Council, the Partnership Panel notes shall be submitted as a report into Council. Angela Law shall be advising MHW regarding timing of the first submission. The notes will be made publicly available via CMIS.
Note 8/20
Overview of Programme Status/Timetable
The high level programme was discussed for each site. It was noted that the programme set out that nos. 19, 3-15 and 57 South Street and Civic Suite are progressed broadly at the same time to enable a ‘stop/go’ decision to be taken by Council once the various conditions have been met.
In answer to a query regarding any potential delay in completion of Freight House it was confirmed that the Council occupation of 3-15 South Street would remain until Freight House was completed.
DB raised a concern that pending the decision to be made at Executive on 2 December 2020 that would see The Mill Arts & Event Centre not reopen after current restrictions are eased, the Council would have no community facilities for residents until the Freight House was completed. It was confirmed that officers and GBP would actively explore opportunities to bring the New Community Centre in Rayleigh forward pending the outcome of Executive on 2 December.
Planning for the sites within CSC1 is due to be submitted in Spring 2021. A programme of public engagement will be undertaken prior to this.
Note 9/20
Sustainability (BREEAM)
BREEAM is a recognised international scheme to independently assess the environmental sustainability of buildings. A pre-assessment has been carried out on the new build section of Freight House and the New Community Centre in Rayleigh. These buildings have initially been assessed as meeting the criteria for ‘Excellent’. The existing Freight House (refurbishment) has also undergone a pre-assessment and meets the criteria for ‘Very Good’.
MS suggested opportunities such as greywater recycling and, heat exchange systems should be explored. GF to consider as part of the further design. It was noted the Business Plan would need to be considered alongside this process.
It was noted that over the course of the programme new technology may become available and best possible value for money and future proofing of the buildings is important as set out in the Output Specification.
SW queried if any measures are in place to look at the benefits that will reflect on staff wellbeing, an indirect measure of success, not just cost. AR advised one of the assessed areas is health and wellbeing of staff in the office i.e. air quality, comfort and thermal environment. This will be considered further during design phase.
Action: GF/MHW
Note 10/20
Communication and Engagement
Civic Suite and Rayleigh Museum
NH and DT have been working with key stakeholders, Civic Suite partners and Rayleigh Museum. Questions have been raised on what is to happen to the historic regalia, the chamber, chairs, pictures of past Chairmen etc held at the Civic Suite. The museum have taken photographs of the past chairmen and are making enquires of any interest in the Chamber. An inventory of silverware within the cabinet has been undertaken and research on items held at the Civic Suite will be carried out. The museum will be putting together some information on the history of
the Civic Suite and the Mill Hall which will be added to the ‘Voyage’ website.
Voyage website
HD Marketing have built the website which conforms with our accessibility regulations. How we communicate to the public is important and needs to be factual and timely. NH used the share screen facility for the Panel to view the website. Delivery of new homes will be linked to gbpartnership’s own website and the Voyage website will contain links to the RDC website and in particular the Planning Portal to enable members of the public to comment on the submitted plans once available. The aim is to launch the website on Thursday, 3 December 2020.
DT advised the Design User Group are considering the design of the new building and where artefacts such as the Chairman’s chair and name board of past Chairmen could be located. It was noted a 360° picture of the Chamber shall be taken and the Chairman’s pictures will then be tagged within this.
It was noted that the website artist impression of the new buildings should state that they are initial designs.
Action: DT to circulate a link to the website.
DT confirmed the Voyage website will be linked to RDC website and a form will be available for comments about the programme, There will also be a facility to comment upon the emerging designs when available. It will be made clear this is not the way to submit comments on any formal planning application, which would remain as being via the Planning Portal.
Note 11/20
Member Issues and Questions
The Panel were advised that during the course of the Programme they will have sight of the constituent parts of the future planning applications prior to submission. GF and MHW will investigate how this will be presented at the Panel. Action: MHW/GF.
It was noted that Angela Law is producing an advice note regarding any conflict of interest for Members of the Panel who are on the Development Committee.
MS has received correspondence from Ward Councillors who wish to be involved in the Stakeholder groups. DT advised the Stakeholder groups had been separated into Rochford and Rayleigh and the first meeting is planned to engage the Parish Councils, as a whole, to ensure all are provided the same information. DT will look at how engagement can be made with the Ward Councillors. Action: DT.
It was agreed themes and key messages from comments submitted on the Voyage website shall be passed back to the Panel.
Note 12/20
Items for next Partnership Board
- Update on engagement
- Planning Application advice
- Stakeholder meeting feedback
- Voyage website feedback