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Partnership Panel Meeting Notes - 29/11/21

Attendees: Cllr R R Dray (Chairman), Cllr D S Efde (DE), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Andrew Rowson (AR)

Guests: Nikki Hopkins (NH), Peter Buist (PB), Cllr S E Wootton (SW), Cllr Mrs C M Mason (CM), Marcus Hotten (MH), Kirk Hardy (KH), James Murray (JM)

Apologies: Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JM)

Notes: Kay Tinson (from recording)

Duration: 10:00 to 11:53

Note 88/21

Notes of Partnership Panel Meeting on 12 October 2021 and Matters Arising

The Chair reminded members that discussions are to be treated as private and confidential until such time as the notes have been published.

Matters Arising

The Chairman addressed concerns raised by some members regarding a comment that it would be the final meeting.  The Chairman stated that he regretted any misunderstanding, and that the Partnership Panel continues to play an important role as stakeholder contributor for all sites within the Asset Delivery Programme and will continue.

It was noted that Cllr Eves disagrees with the notes of the last meeting as they do not reflect discussion on the continuation of the Partnership Panel.  This was supported by Cllr Stanley who also wished to register disagreement on the notes in this respect.

Note 89/21

Freight House Presentation – Peter Buist

It was noted that since the last meeting further comments had been received by planning colleagues regarding the Freight House external design.  This meeting had been called to present how the scheme has evolved in response to this feedback prior to the planning application being submitted, as agreed at the previous meeting.

MH advised planning essentially requires a balance to be found between the requirements of planning policy and the operational needs of a building, it is at Development Committee where Planning Officers must make a balanced recommendation.  MH advised that he had been involved in a meeting with PB and conservation and planning officers to review the scheme.  The scheme has evolved, where possible, following the planning and heritage feedback received. 

PB provided attendees an update on comments received in regard to external materials to the walls, elevation and roof of the new build.  PB set out proposals to address these points.   

Options for the material for the roof of the glass link include glass or a solid lightweight material.  While glass could be considered, modelling indicated that this would not improve the views of the south façade of the Freight House in practice and would cause potential temperature control issues in times of extreme heat or extreme cold.

Regarding glare into the offices, due diligence has been undertaken with regard to working conditions and internal layout of desks will take this into account at the next detailed design stage including glass treatment to prevent glare.

The west and east elevation roof of the new build would be entirely covered with photovoltaic panels with brick parapets on both sides.  It was felt the link building would not benefit from additional photovoltaic panels due to it being set back and slightly lower than the new build.

The proposed new build would aim to mirror the look of the existing Freight House using a brick finish followed by a glazed window and subsequent further brickwork. 

A member concern was raised in regard to trees, when in full leaf, on the eastern elevation and the affect this would have on the photovoltaics and any required increased maintenance of said trees.  It was accepted some overshadowing would occur, but GB had been advised the panels would be highly effective and further studies could be carried out if necessary.

Discussion was had regarding the two windows at either end of the new build and the potential for these to be subtly amended with brick detailing at the centre point to break up the overall size.  PB agreed to consider this within the final submission of the planning application.

Members were supportive of the revised scheme and were advised that the scheme would now be prepared as a formal planning application.

Thanks were passed to PB for his presentation and Members were supportive of the planning application being submitted.

Note 90/21

Reports from Partnership Board

None to note. 

Note 91/21

Communication and engagement

NH set out that scheme summaries showing how the schemes have evolved as a result of the engagement process are being drafted and will be published on Voyage once the planning applications are live. 

CS requested the Terms of Reference for the Partnership Panel be circulated to all Members.

Action: MHW to arrange circulation.

Note 92/21

Member issues and questions


Note 93/21

Items for next Partnership Panel

The date of the next Partnership Panel meeting shall be advised in due course.

Note 94/21

Any Other Business

MHW confirmed the Freight House planning application will be finalised and submitted in next few days. 

In answer to a question, MHW advised No.57 South Street planning application has been submitted and is being validated.  Civic Suite planning application will be submitted within the next few days.