Present: Chairman - Cllr R R Dray (RD), Cllr D S Efde (DE), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr Mrs J R Lumley (JL), Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr C M Stanley (CS), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), George Farley (GF), Peter Buist (PB), Dawn Tribe (DT), Cllr S E Wootton (SW), James Murray (JM)
Apologies: Andrew Rowson, Duncan Blackie
Notes: Kay Tinson (from recording)
Duration: 10:00 -12:00
Note 68/21
Notes of previous meeting held on 14 July 2021 and matters arising
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
The Notes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
Post meeting note: The note numbering was incorrectly stated: This has now been remedied.
Matters arising
Items for the Next Partnership Board (67/21)
- Building Energy Management System and Adequate Space for Ventilation. GF confirmed there would be adequate space and adequate ventilation of that space.
Note 69/21
Appointment of Vice Chairman
PP Members had previously agreed to appoint a Vice-Chairman, this has now been agreed by the Partnership Board. Cllr Dray nominated Cllr Steptoe who accepted the position.
Note 70/21
Update Presentation by Peter Buist
The panel received a presentation by PB regarding the proposals for 57 South Street and Civic Suite.
Questions arising:
57 South Street
- MHW confirmed the Council own the land within the red line that forms the proposal. The Council will ensure sufficient parking is retained for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFS) use and has been in dialogue with ECFS to that end. Flood risk has been a consideration throughout the development of the scheme and GB have been advised via the pre app process.
- Electric car charging points will be available at the site.
- PB will make enquires with the acoustician regarding blue light activity at the site Action: PB
- Engagement feedback has been reviewed and has been incorporated into the proposal where possible.
- It was noted Parking standards will be a matter for the Development Committee once an application is made. GBP have been advised of the policy via the pre app process.
- PB will make enquiries regarding the drainage of water when cleaning the fire appliance. Action: PB
Civic Suite
- MHW confirmed that Barringtons which sits within the site is not owned by the Council.
- Visitor parking was discussed and it was noted this was a matter for Development Committee.
- The proposed scheme meets the Council’s approved output specification regarding any loss of parking at the Market car park. PB to notify the panel of the number of parking spaces lost. Action: PB
- Discussion is ongoing between ECC and GBP regarding access across the grass verge.
The Panel received a 3D presentation from JM on the proposed scheme for the Freight House.
Freight House
Questions arising:
- It was noted that the proposed pedestrian ramped access will be a positive addition from Bradley Way. JM will share the landscape architects designs once available. Action: JM
- Subject to National Rail approval there could be an opportunity to have pedestrian access from the station car park into the Freight House area.
- Solar shading and passive ventilation options are being considered for the proposed atrium.
- IT infrastructure in the new build element of the building will be undertaken jointly. It was noted a ‘turn key‘ solution has been procured.
- The Council’s Open Spaces Team would continue to be responsible for grounds maintenance of the reservoir and open space. DS confirmed a plan is being developed on this point.
- JM advised the current ventilation is via roof vents which are not satisfactory for ventilation going forward. Various options exist for ventilation and it was agreed these would be presented to the PP at a future meeting.
- Comments were noted regarding the proposed finish of the new build element. Action: The Chairman asked the PP to submit their comments regarding the external appearance/material to MHW. PB/JM to present alternative external design colour/materials.
- AE asked if, due to Covid, the office layout had changed. It was noted that the building has been designed to be flexible to enable internal layout to flex as needs dictate. AE advised the Government are looking at possibly regulating ventilation and filtration and this was noted.
- It was noted JM advised the Chamber will be a flexible space where seating can be reconfigured into different options.
MS left the meeting after the presentation to attend a private appointment.
The Chairman thanked PB and JM for their presentations.
Note 71/21
Reports from Partnership Board
Nothing to report.
Note 72/21
Communication and engagement
The team were currently reviewing and reflecting on the feedback received in preparation for a report to Council. Action: DT to provide a further update at the next meeting.
Note 73/21
Member issues and question
It was noted questions were taken after each of the presentations. No other issues or questions were raised.
Note 74/21
Items for next Partnership Panel
It was agreed that action items from today’s meeting will be considered and reported back at the next meeting.
57 South Street
- Acoustic measures in respect of blue light activity - 57 South Street
- Surface water drainage resulting from the cleaning of fire appliance
Civic Suite
- • Output specification defined impact on parking at Market Car Park
Freight House
- Disabled access path
- External appearance/material of new build and ventilation options.
Note 75/21
Any Other Business
Apologies from SW were noted for the meeting on 12 October 2021.