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Building Control Charges

New fees from 1 April 2025

Should you have any queries about the changes, please contact Building Control using this form

When you submit a building regulation application you will have to pay a fee, known as a 'Charge', to Rochford District Council based on the type or cost of the works. The fee covers the costs incurred by the Council of carrying out the Building Regulation process, i.e. plan checking & site inspections.

Multiple Work Reductions

Where it is proposed to carry out more than one type of work at the same time, i.e. extension & alteration, then the Charge for the cheaper works can reduced by 50%.

Discounts for Electrical Work

The Building Control Standard Charges Tables A & B marked with an * have been reduced to reflect where controlled electrical installations are being carried out, tested and certified by a registered Part P electrician (Competent Persons). If these reductions are claimed and a self-certifying electrician is not subsequently employed, the applicant will be invoiced for supplementary charges equivalent to the discount (See ED below)

Individually Determined Assessments

The Building Control Standard Charge tables only cover works up to 100m2 or £100,000 and therefore if the works are larger, or the build cost is greater, it will be necessary for the Council to provide a quote for carrying out the Building Control function, ie plan checking and inspections. Guidance on what information we need to calculate an Individually Determined Assessment and the Regularisation application form can be found in the Related Content.

Full Plans Application Charges

If you submit a Full Plans application the Charge must accompany the submitted drawings and documentation to cover an assessment of the proposed works and the passing or rejection of the plans, the fee also covers all necessary site inspections by Building Control Surveyors including the final inspection and the issuing of a Completion Certificate. Please note; the applicant is the person or persons given on the application form unless we are notified differently.

Building Notice Charge

Where a Building Notice is submitted the Building Notice Charge is payable at the time of making the application. The fee covers the Building Control Surveyors visiting the site when notified to ensure that works conform to Building Regulations and the issuing of a Completion Certificate.

Regularisation Applications

If you have carried out unauthorised building work you can apply for a Regularisation Certificate and you will need to pay a Regularisation Charge to cover the cost of assessing your application and all inspections. The Building Control Charge payable is based on an Individually Determined Assessment and you should contact us for a quote.

Guidance on what information we need to calculate an Individually Determined Assessment and the Regularisation application form can be found in the Related Content.

Charges are not payable as follows;

  • Work solely for the benefit of a disabled person. In order to claim exemption, the appropriate evidence must be provided e.g. this could be an Occupational Therapist's recommendation. The relevance of the adaptation for the person's disability must also be supported by the proposals.
  • Where plans have previously been approved or rejected no further Charge is payable for substantially the same work.
  • The first hour of officer's time in giving pre-building regulation application advice regarding the requirements of the Building Regulation and associated legislation.


Can be made online in the 'Pay It' part of the councils website (also available in Related Content) or by credit/debit card by calling 01702 318111. If you decide to withdraw your application, whatever the reason, there will be a minimum charge of £108.00 to cover initial administration costs, a visit to check that the works have not been carried out and to process the refund. Please note that plan checking fees cannot be refunded once an amendment letter has been issued or a decision made.