Planning Performance Agreements
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) are the preferred method for pre-application engagement with the Local Planning Authority for all major development proposals.
PPAs provide a programme for more flexible and tailored pre-application discussions based on the proposed development. PPAs assist developers through the planning process and help achieve the Council’s aim of delivering high quality sustainable development within the District. PPAs also ensure the Local Planning Authority is able to dedicate resources to facilitate pre-application discussions on major development proposals.
Please indicate on your pre application submission if you wish to take advantage of the PPA service.
PPA fees are inclusive of the cost of drafting and finalising the PPA, the cost of a dedicated senior officer for the planning application, a priority admin service, a set number of meetings and the council’s costs in resourcing those meetings. Fees for additional meetings over and above those specified within the schedule below, will be set out within the PPA to provide some certainty for the Applicant and to enable pre-application discussions to continue when required.
Additional Fees:
Some development proposals may require specialist advice to be independently assessed by the Local Planning Authority. The Applicant will be expected to cover the cost of such advice. Applicants will be made aware, if such an assessment is required and the additional fee. We will agree the fee with you prior to the advice being sought.
Each PPA programme and fee will vary dependent on the development proposal, however an indication of cost is set out below.
Development Type | Comprising | Meetings | PPA Fee |
Small Scale Major | 10-24 dwellings;Commercial development 1,000-2999 sq.m;Sites up to 1ha. | 5 Meetings | £12,000 + VAT |
Large Scale Major | 25-99 dwellings;Commercial development 3,000-4,999 sq.m;Sites between 1-3ha. | 8 Meetings | £18,000 + VAT |
Strategic Major | 100 + dwellings;Commercial development 5,000 + sq.m. | 12 meetings | £30,000 + VAT |
Bespoke | Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs)Solar FarmsDischarge of ConditionsMiscellaneous proposals | Tailored to specific requirements | Bespoke fee + VAT |
a) Pre-application advice will assist in the submission of a complete and accurate application for planning permission which complies with the relevant policies, plans and guidance. However, Council Officers cannot give any guarantees about the eventual decision that will be made on a formal application at the pre-application stage. The final decision on planning applications is made by Council Members via the Development Committee, or in some cases by senior officers. Decisions are only made after consultations with adjoining occupiers, statutory consultative bodies and other interested parties following receipt of a formal planning application and a detailed assessment of the facts of the case.