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Rochford & Castle Point Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Strategy Meeting Minutes - November 2024 - Accessible version

Minutes of the Rochford & Castle Point CSP Strategy Meeting

Held Wednesday 13th November 2024


Cllr Lisa Newport (LN) - Councillor – Rochford District Council (RDC)
Paul Brace (PB) - Interim Director of Communities and Health – RDC
Sean Steer (SS) - Interim Community Safety Manager – RDC
Darcie Newton (DN) - Community Safety Officer – RDC
Damien Ghela (DG) – Castle Point
David Kealy (DK) - Essex Police
Victoria Marzouki (VM) - RRAVS
Jamie Sawtell (JS) - Bar ‘n’ Bus
Steve Osborn (SO) - Essex Fire Service
David Walpole (DW)- Essex Fire Service


Tasmin Hensman – Sanctuary Housing
Cllr Russ Savage – Castle Point Borough Council
Janis Gibson – CAVS


1 - Welcome, Introduction & Apologies

LN welcomed everyone, and introductions were made.

2 - Terms of Reference:

SS presented the new terms of reference for approval.

There was some discussion around membership of the group to make sure everyone was included and that members no longer involved were removed.

Changes discussed have been made and an updated terms of reference is attached.

3 - Performance Update:

DK gave an update for Essex Police (Update Below)

  • Hate Crime solve rate has increased.
  • ASB has decreased.
  • Halloween and Firework night were busy, but dispersal orders were put in place.
  • Op Spinone has had some good results a section 59 was issued, a car seized and an arrest. The funding for this Op has been extended.

PB mentioned that he is looking for funding from the CSP to use the mobile CCTV car for the car racing issue we have alongside Op Spinone.

LN asked if it was possible to speak to the owners of the land at Arterial Park to see if they can put in some barriers to stop vehicles getting onto the land to race and cause ASB.

DK said to email Alex in the business crime team re asking the landowner to install barriers.

PB also mentioned that community safety team are looking into a PSPO to try and help combat the street racing, but it is a long process and will take time to get in place.


LN to email the business crime team at Essex Police re barriers at Arterial Park.

4 - Partner Update:

Community Safety Rochford:

PB mentioned that the team are going to pull together a plan to take us up the end of the financial year as we have projects with funding that need to be delivered. A plan will be sent to CSP Members when project timelines
have been agreed

DN gave an update on what the women’s safety charter project is and who it will include.

Discussion was had around the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme and if businesses actually know what it is and know how to respond/act when some asks for ‘’Angela’’.

DN mentioned that ‘’Ask for Angela’’ will be part of the women’s safety charter and training will be given to all business’s that would like to sign up to the scheme.

SS mentioned that Rochford CCTV has just gone through an audit and once we have the report back he will update us at the next meeting.

Community Safety Castle Point

DG informed that they have gone out to advert and are shortlisting for the community safety manager’s job.

DG also mentioned that the housing regulator work in CPBC is coming to an end and a greater focus will be on the work of the CSP and Community Safety.

Essex Fire Service

SO mentioned that he will be attending the CSP meeting going forward.

SO also asked what kind of information/report the group would like from the fire service.

SS said it would be good if we could have any information around deliberate fires started.

SO said that he can send the report that he gets before the meeting so people can have a read through and bring up any questions they have at the meeting.

There was a discussion around vapes and bin lorry fires being started by vapes.

LN asked if there is any information that we can send out members to share around vape fires.

VM also asked if there was any safety information that the fire service put out during the run up to Christmas that they could put in their newsletter.


SO to see if there is any safety information around vape fires

SO to liaise with VM re safety information for Christmas.

Bar ‘n’ Bus

JS gave an update for Bar ‘n’ Bus (Update Below)

  • Received funding from the local community fund for fire break in the new year.
  • Looking to run a street-based youth project where they will park the youth bus in an area to engage with young people.

LS asked if it would be possible to have some CSP funding to run the pilot project.

PB proposed that if everyone agrees JS to send a project breakdown with costs and then we will send it LN to approve.

Everyone agreed to the project pending LN approval to the written bid