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Financial Help and Money Advice

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Discretionary Housing Payments 

If you are getting Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit, cannot afford your rent and are suffering severe financial hardship, we may be able to give you some extra help.

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are not payments of Housing Benefit, but are standalone payments made entirely at the discretion of the Council subject to a limit set by the Government each year. Awards are made solely at the discretion of the council and are only intended to provide short-term support to people.

The Council is given an amount of money each year and cannot spend more than the limit set by the Government.

DHP cannot be given for the following:

  • Service charges not covered by Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit
  • Outstanding rent arrears
  • Deductions from Universal Credit because your Universal Credit is being sanctioned
  • When your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit payments are suspended

How do you decide if I can have a DHP?

The following things are looked at when making a decision.

  • Your total income
  • Whether you have any savings
  • Whether anyone else in the house can help financially
  • Whether you have any loans or debts to pay
  • Whether you could rearrange your finances to help the situation
  • Whether you or your family have any special circumstances, like ill health or disability.

You will receive a letter telling you the decision and the reasons for that decision. If a DHP has been awarded, you will be notified of the amount and the period of the award, in the letter.

How much can I get and for how long?

How much you get depends on your circumstances. Each case is looked at individually and is paid for different periods of time. However, there is no guarantee that you will actually get a payment. The amount awarded cannot be more than your gross rent, less amounts for services such as electricity or water.

How will you pay the DHP if my application is successful?

If your application is successful, your DHP is paid either into yours or your landlord’s bank account.

What should I do if I disagree with the decision about my DHP application?

If you disagree with the decision either not to award a DHP, the amount awarded or the period of the award, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again. You must write to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter, telling us why you do not agree with the decision. You cannot appeal to the Tribunals Service if you disagree with our decision.

What next?

If you would like to apply then please complete the application form. You must fill in this form in full, giving as much information as possible. If you have any proof to support your reasons for applying, for example, medical certificates or doctors’ letter, then send these in with your DHP form.

Before you start the form, you must have the following documents available to upload at the end:

  • Proof of your current rent, for example your latest tenancy agreement or rent statement
  • Proof of your Universal Credit, showing the full breakdown of your award, including your Housing Element.
  • If you are working, your last 5 weeks or 2 months wage slips.
  • Proof of all the income and expenses for you and your partner, if you have one.
  • The last 2 months bank statements for all the accounts held by you, and your partner if you have one

If you need any further help email us at revenues&

What if my circumstances change?

If your circumstances change, you must tell us, in writing, straight away. Your DHP will be looked at again to see if there is a change to the award. If the change means your DHP award is reduced, you may have to pay back some or all of the DHP already paid to you.

Exceptional Hardship payments 

What is an Exceptional Hardship Payment (EHP)?

EHP is an additional award made to Council Tax Support customers who need more help with their Council Tax in addition to their Council Tax Support.

The Council has a small budget each year for the Exceptional Hardship Payment.

EHP cannot be given for previous years arrears.

How do you decide if I can have an EHP?

The following things are looked at when making a decision.

  • Your total household income
  • Whether you have any savings
  • Whether anyone else in the house can help financially
  • Whether you have any loans or debts to pay
  • Whether you could rearrange your finances to help the situation You will receive an email / letter telling you the decision and the reasons for that decision.

If an EHP has been awarded, you will be notified of the amount and the period of the award, in the email / letter.

We will not refund any money you have already paid to your Council Tax account.

How will you pay the EHP if my application is successful?

If your application is successful, your EHP is paid direct to your Council Tax account.

What should I do if I disagree with the decision about my EHP application?

If you disagree with the decision either not to award an EHP, the amount awarded or the period of the award, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again.

You should write to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter, telling us why you do not agree with the decision.

What next?

Decide whether you would like to ask for an EHP.

Complete the online application

You will need to know your income and expenditure and attach your last 2 months bank statements.

If you have any additional proof to support your reasons for applying, for example, medical certificates or doctors letters, then attached them to the online application form.

Awards are limited so you may be asked for a lot of information or even a home visit.

There is no guarantee of an award.

Changes in circumstances

If your circumstances change you must tell the Revenues and Benefits section within one month of the change happening. We will look at the Discretionary Housing Payment or Exceptional Hardship Payment again and decide if it needs to be changed.

Citizens Advice fuel voucher scheme

Citizens Advice can provide advice about energy savings and may be able to issue fuel vouchers to local families and vulnerable residents who are struggling to afford to top up their pre-payment gas & electric meters or finding it difficult to pay their energy bills.

For further information on the scheme or for other energy advice please email or contact 01277 358082

Anglian Water

If you are finding it difficult to pay your water bill, Anglian Water may be able to offer a discounted tariff, an assistance scheme or an affordable payment plan.

You can also sign up for their Priority Services Register which offers free practical support such as letting you know about work in your area, helping to protect you against bogus calls and sending your bills in a different format or language.

Visit their website for more information or call them on 0800 011 3774.

Cost of Living Support

Find out what support is available to help with the cost of living. This includes income and disability benefits, bills and allowances, childcare, housing and travel.

For further information please visit Cost of living support page on

Essential Living Fund

Funding to help people with the cost of living. Assistance can be given if you are 16 or over, live in Essex and are on a low income to help with cost-of-living expenses. This can include:

  • beds
  • bedding
  • limited white goods
  • clothing
  • general living expenses such as groceries, toiletries or energy costs

For further information please visit the Southend City Council website

You can also make enquiries by phone 0300 7900124 or email