Rochford District Council is now in its 4th year and is building on the successes of the young people and their passion for their peers, their district and the issues that affect both.
The Youth Council aims to give younger people a voice in the community, to make a difference. You need to be aged between 12-18 to take part.
This is a great opportunity for all younger people to have their say about issues that affect them and their communities. The Youth Council aims to raise the profile of young people to ensure that local decision makers recognise that younger people are the future generation and are an important part in the District’s future.
Benefits of joining include:
- Excellent personal development opportunity – it would look great on your CV!
- Work on issues that young people consider to be important to them and the community
- Link in with the Young Essex Assembly
- Meet young people from your area
The Youth Council is now being fully supported by Essex Youth Services with funding provided by Rochford District Council. This change in our partnership working enables the youth council to be autonomous and move forward with their planning with the right support.
If you are interested or have any more questions on the Youth Council, please contact Claire Love - District Youth and Community Commissioner Claire.Love@essex.gov.uk
Rochford Youth Council has returned to face to face meetings at FitzWimarc School. These meetings are focused on finalising the details for their Mental Health Conference for young people. This will be delivered through our secondary schools.
Neeve Simpson is the Chair of the youth council until elections in November. Previous chair, Ethan Locke left to go to university in September with the whole Youth Council wish him every success!