Castle Point and Rochford Local Strategic Partnership is a non-statutory multi-agency partnership which brings together, at a local level, the different parts of the private, public, community and voluntary sectors. Castle Point and Rochford LSP is made up of an Executive Board underpinned by thematic partnerships that support the delivery of identified priorities. The Executive Board had representatives from both public and voluntary sector partners, including Rochford District Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Essex County Council, Essex Police, National Health Service South Essex, General Practitioners from the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), local voluntary and community sector, the local business community, local Registered Social Landlords and each of the Chairs of the thematic partnerships.
The Joint LSP has developed the shared partnership arrangements and reflects the changing context of partnership working, with reduced and evolving funding streams, changing legislation and changing organisational structures. There groups that make up the Joint LSP are:
- The LSP Executive
- Children’s Partnership Board
- Community Safety Partnership
- Employment, Skills and Business Group
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Community Development Partnership