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Members' Allowances

The scheme of Members' Allowances was last agreed by the Council at its meeting of 13 February 2024 (see item 13 - Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel). The allowance rates are set out below and Council has agreed to review these in the summer of 2025:

Element Multiplier Value
Basic Allowance 1 £5,820.00
Special Responsibility Allowances Multiplier Value
Chairman of the Council 1 £5,820.00
Vice-Chairman of the Council 0.5 £2,910.00
Leader of the Council 1 £5,820.00
Deputy Leader of the Council 0.5 £2,910.00
Development Committee Chairman 0.75 £4,365.00
Development Committee Vice-Chairman 0.15 £873.00
Committee Chairman (all other committees) 0.5 £2,910.00
Committee Vice-Chairman (all other
0.1 £582.00
Independent Member of the Audit Committee n/a £1,250.00
Other Independent Persons 0.1 £582.00
Opposition Political Group Leader 2-5
0.125 £727.50
Opposition Political Group Leader 6-10
0.25 £1,455.00
Opposition Political Group Leader 11 +
0.5 £2,910.00