- Once an application has been received the initial information will be input onto the council Housing IT System by a member of staff.
- The officer will contact the applicant if they require further information and give the applicant 15 working days to provide the required documents. If an applicant fails to provide all information requested the officer will write to the client to close the application.
- The Allocation and Enabling Officer will assess all applications based on Rochford District Council’s (RDC) Allocations Policy, once all the relevant information has been received.
- Accepted Decision The Allocation and Enabling Officer will then write to the applicant. The decision letter will include:
- Banding
- Date of acceptance
- Area of choice
- Type of property
- Bedroom need The likely timescale for rehousing
- Reference to any PHP Actions
- Whether they are eligible for the Rent and Deposit Scheme
- Number of letting for the type of property and area they requested
- Their rights to request a review of a decision
- Suspension Decisions If an applicant case is to be suspended the officer must write to the client informing them of the reason why and length of suspension. They must advise the client of what steps they must take to lift the suspension. The decision letter must include information on right of review.
- Non Eligibility / Non Qualifying Decision Eligibility and qualifying criteria is set out in the RDC Allocation Policy. The officer will contact the applicant explaining:
- The reason for decision
- The applicant right of review
- Possible alternative type of accommodation that might be suitable for the client.
- Officers will update applications if further supporting evidence is supplied and repeat steps 4, 5 and 6.