Review of Housing Allocations Decision
- If the Housing Options Team receives a request for a review of a decision, an officer must make a note on the applicant’s file.
- A brief report should be compiled by the case officer and then passed to the review officer. The report should include all relevant facts, household details and housing application number.
- The review will be carried out by an Assistant Director of Rochford District Council
- The review officer will have 28 days to consider the facts of the case and inform the applicant of their decision and whether or not to change or uphold the original officer’s decision.
- If the original decision is upheld the review officer will contact the applicant either by letter, phone or email, explaining their reason for upholding the decision and the client’s rights if they wish to pursue the matter further.
- Where the review officer believes the original decision was incorrect they will contact the applicant either by letter, phone or email and explain that the case would be passed back to the original officer to reconsider the facts of the case.
- When the case is handed back to the original officer a brief outline of the review officer decision should be attached explaining:
- Where the decision was incorrect
- Any extra facts that may have been submitted to the review officer
- Once the case has been handed back, the officer should follow the process for ‘Processing a Housing Application”