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The Council and its Committees

As of May 2024, the Council has been operating under a Committee system of governance. Under this arrangement, the Council is divided into politically balanced Committees that make decisions. At its Annual Meeting, the Council appointed the following Committees:-

Audit & Governance Committee
Chairman: Cllr R Milne
Vice-Chairman: Cllr S A Wilson

Chief Officers Employments Committee
Chairman: Cllr L Newport
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Mrs E Brewer

Communities, Wellbeing & Housing Committee
Chairman: Cllr L Newport
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Mrs J R Gooding

Development Committee:
Chairman: Cllr R C D Linden
Vice-Chairman: Cllr S A Wilson

Economic Development, Regeneration & Tourism Committee
Chairman: Cllr M Hoy
Vice-Chairman: Cllr M Sutton

Environment & Climate Change Committee
Chairman: Cllr C M Stanley
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Mrs J R Gooding

Licensing & Regulatory Committee
Chairman: Cllr A G Cross
Vice-Chairman: Cllr R Lambourne

Planning Policy Committee
Chairman: Cllr J E Cripps
Vice-Chairman: Cllr G W Myers

Scrutiny & Performance Committee
Chairman: Cllr D S Efde
Vice-Chairman: Cllr M J Webb

Strategy, Finance & Policy Committee
Chairman: Cllr J Newport
Vice-Chairman: Cllr M Hoy

Each Committee has its own specific area of responsibility and it will have a fixed membership. Members who serve on these Committees will receive training and briefings over time so that they are able to make well informed decisions that are made by the whole Committee and not individually.