The Livewell campaign aims to support families across Essex to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. It can help residents to eat well, get more active and help you find the support you need, to lead a healthy lifestyle.
The Livewell website
The livewell website has an interactive page where you can filter activities and events by location to discover what is happening near you, from parkrun, dementia-friendly fitness classes to Meet up Mondays. You can also get advice on nutrition, help to lose weight, healthy recipe ideas and where to get a healthier takeaway.
The website also has advice and details of where to go if you need mental health support in Essex. Visit the Live Well website.

Livewell is based around six themes to support residents with health and wellbeing information and advice throughout life.
Startwell - this is advice for families on staying healthy and safe all year round and giving children the best start
Bewell - this lists a range of local activities available within Essex, many of which are free
Eatwell - this is about how to eat a healthy diet with a range of healthy recipe ideas
Feelwell - this is about mental wellbeing. Your mental health is as important as your physical health
Staywell - this is about how to keep a healthy lifestyle and access the right services when required
Agewell - this gives advice on how to stay fit and healthy as we get older.
Follow the conversation
See what we are doing to encourage everyone in Essex to live well on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.