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RCCCT AGM - Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Meeting Notes


Cllr June Lumley (Chairperson) (JL) - Rochford District Council
Keith Powell (Vice Chairman) (KP) - Business, Maritime Community/ Independent
Angela Hutchings (AH) - Rochford District Council
Paula Chapman (PC) - Rochford District Council
Helen Quinnell (HQ) - Chelmsford City Council
Cllr Mrs Laureen Shaw (LS) - Rochford District Council
Cllr Glen Dryhurst (GD) - Ashingdon Parish Council
Ken Wickham (KW) - Crouch Harbour Authority
Rachel Fancy (RF) - RSPB at Wallasea Island
Dave Record (DR) - 3 Chambers (Hockley, Rayleigh & Rochford)
Cllr Alan Shearring (AS) - South Woodham Ferrers Town Council
Cllr David Flack (DF) - Hullbridge Parish Council
Doug MacEwen (DM) - Crouch Area Yachting Federation
Cllr Jeanette Stilts (JS) - Maldon District Council


Cllr Dave Sperring (DS) - Rochford District Council
Alexis Corless - Maldon District Council
Debra Constable - Resident
Nick Shuttleworth - Essex RCC
Cllr Bob Calver - Burnham Crouch Town Council
Cllr Paul White - Hullbridge Parish Council


Julie O’Brien - Rochford District Council


11:30 till 12:17

Note 38/21

Welcome and Introductions

Cllr Lumley welcomed all, and introductions were made.

Apologies received were noted.

Note 39/21

Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

AH confirmed that the RCCCT Terms of Reference (ToR) state that the roles of RCCCT Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Chairperson is to be an elected Councillor at Rochford District Council as they are currently the lead authority (Secretariat) of the RCCCT and the Vice-Chair position is to be held by a member of the business / maritime community or an independent.

GD nominated Cllr June Lumley as Chairperson and this vote was seconded by a show of hands from DM, KW & LS.

JL expressed her gratitude and acceptance of the Chair role for the next annual period. This is a special group with diverse membership and great partnership working resulting in positive outcomes.

DM nominated KP as Vice-Chair. With reluctance, KP politely declined to continue as Vice-Chair due to a number of reasons and needing to reduce commitments, however was grateful to remain as a standing member of the Steering Group. JL thanked KP for his service as Vice-Chair to-date, which
had been invaluable.

JL nominated DM as Vice-Chair, with KP seconding this vote and further show of hands across the Group (elected Councillors, business / maritime community & Independent persons). DM was delighted to accept this role.

Action: Chair & Vice-Chair roles to be filled for the forthcoming year, commencing as at close of meeting, as agreed by the Group

Note 40/21

Notes of the Last Annual General Meeting Held on 24 November 2020 and Matters Arising

The notes were already agreed as a correct record at the Steering Group meeting in March 2021.
No matters arising.

Note 41/21

Annual Report November 2020 – November 2021

JL took the pleasure of introducing the report which had been circulated and published ahead. The content and key achievements noted by the group.

A Special Meeting of the RCCCT Steering Group was held in September 2021 to receive a presentation from the Border Force. This event had been recorded at that time for those Steering Group Members who were unable to attend on the day. JL was very grateful for the Border Force representative’s time to explain their role.

Action: At the request of the Chair, AH to explore wider sharing of the recording from the Border Force presentation to the RCCCT Steering Group in September 2021

A general consensus was that, whilst Covid-19 had prevented physical meetings taking place in the last year, convening virtually had been working well.

JL recognised the efforts of the Steering Group and thanked all members for their support.

The governance arrangements of the RCCCT had changed during 2021 and the report included the current membership of the Steering Group.

Post Meeting Note: The Lead on the Digital Working Group was in fact Maldon District Council.

JL verified that, as the report shows, RCCCT finances have not changed – a sum of £1,498 remains.

Notwithstanding the productive year, there was still future opportunities for the Group which included looking to strengthen its advocacy role in the protection and promotion of the River Crouch and its environs.

GD reminded that the RCCCT had been established for 6 years, with its first meeting held on 21 October 2015.

KP confirmed it would be necessary for him to step down from project lead on the Footpaths Working Group, and recommended GD as his successor. KP would happily remain on the group as a standing member. GD welcomed the opportunity to lead and JL congratulated him on his post.

KP suggested whether, going forward, the RCCCT AGM recordings could be uploaded to the community team government sponsored website (which the Digital Working Group covers) in addition to the Rochford District Council website – this would help promote the public activities of the RCCCT?

Action: AH to explore wider sharing of the RCCCT AGM recordings RCCCT Steering Group Membership

AH advised that the RCCCT ToR state the Steering Group membership be reviewed annually. In recognition that this is the second year under Rochford District Council as secretariat and accountable body it was now opportune to consider. The current membership of the Steering Group shows that, as included in the Annual Report, there are some vacancies that have remained – no representative from Rettendon Parish Council and Burnham-on-Crouch Chamber of Commerce. Mr Hart, on behalf of Battlesbridge business, has not attended meetings and Natural England and the Environment Agency have not been involved of late.

Natural England had recently advised that, whilst they are able to answer queries from the RCCCT, they did not consider their presence was necessary at meetings throughout the year. It was deemed prudent to accept these circumstances as resignation of their seat on the Group.

The Environment Agency seat would be removed from the Steering Group, but they would be liaised with on topics where their input was specifically required.

It was agreed that AH would approach entities that had not been active on the RCCCT to establish whether they wished to nominate an alternative representative for the Group or indeed to resign.

Any removal from the Steering Group would not mean those members could not remain on the wider RCCCT distribution list and be invited to AGMs.

HQ advised that her understanding was that Burnham-on-Crouch Chamber of Commerce no longer exist. Maldon District Council are developing the Burnham-on-Crouch Business Board and it would be appropriate to establish who was the representative for the RCCCT Steering Group.

Action: AH to update the Steering Group membership as agreed to accept Natural England’s resignation, remove the Environment Agency, and contact Rettendon Parish Council, Mr Hart and Burnham-on-Crouch Business Board (via Alexis) about their representation.

Note 42/21

Regional/National Projects Update including questions from the public

Path to Prosperity

HQ advised that on the South Woodham Ferrers stretch an event was held on 9th November 2021 to preview the new information boards generated as part of that project. It was a nice opportunity to get Stakeholders together and thanks were extended to those involved and DM for hosting.

Additional feedback on the boards was gathered and the boards were now being finalised and once installed there would be a press release to cover the Stakeholder event and final locations for where the boards will be situated.

The deadline for completion is end of current financial year (31 March 2022) and this enables the project team to now work with IAT Sailing Club and Stakeholders for Fen Creek with the view to putting a further information board at this location.

As the Annual Report confirmed, there had been a lot of interest in the circular walk at South Woodham Ferrers and the ‘Go-Jauntly’ app is proving to be good at supporting and directing people.

Coastal Path

PC confirmed that Essex County Council Highways were undertaking to open the stretch of path between Southend to Wallasea Island in Spring 2022. Works are progressing well.

There had been objections to the Burnham to Wallasea stretch of path proposed and no recent update had been provided. Delays were a knock on impact from the Covid-19 pandemic and it entails a visit from the Planning Inspectorate, who are extremely busy, in order to progress matters.

Routes will be added to the ‘Go-Jauntly’ app once approved and ready for use by the public.

HQ advised that Mr Hart, on behalf of Battlesbridge business, had approached her with interest in the Burnham to Wallasea stretch of path and it agreed a date would be arranged to discuss.

Action: PC to contact Natural England to understand what timescales are involved with regards to the Burnham to Wallasea stretch of path.

Action: GD, as new project lead on the Footpaths Working Group, would reach out to Mr Hart and ask him to attend their next meeting.

Note 43/21

RCCCT Projects Groups Update including questions from the public

KP reiterated that he is stepping down as project lead on the Footpaths Working Group though happy to take any questions away and work with GD on those. No questions brought forward

GD was enthusiastic about the possibility of adding further pedestrian counters along the coastal path and where this could be best placed. He would consider adding this item to the agenda of the next Footpaths Working Group

Note 44/21

Any Other Business

In accordance with the RCCCT ToR, any Member wishing to table items for an agenda must notify the Secretariat no later than seven days before each meeting unless the Chairperson in their absolute discretion agrees otherwise.

No items had been received.

Action: In recognition of the (ToR) this topic will only appear on future final agendas where specific item is pre-agreed, otherwise to be omitted.

Note 45/21

Date of Next Annual General Meeting

To circulate with the notes of the meeting to RCCCT members.

Cllr Lumley thanked all for their attendance and contributions

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