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RCCCT Steering Group Meeting - Tues 01 March 2022 Minutes

Meeting Notes


Cllr June Lumley (Chairperson) (CJL) - Rochford District Council
Doug MacEwen (Vice Chairman) (DME) - Crouch Area Yachting Federation

Accountable Body
Angela Hutchings (Secretariat) (AH) - Rochford District Council
Paula Chapman (PC) - Rochford District Council
Cllr David Sperring (DS) - Rochford District Council

Public Sector
Cllr Glen Dryhurst (GD) - Ashingdon Parish Council
Cllr Alan Shearring (AS) - South Woodham Ferrers Town Council
Cllr David Phillips (DP) - Rettendon Parish Council
Helen Quinnell (HQ) - Chelmsford City Council
Alexis Corless (AC) - Maldon District Council
Leanne Brisland (LB) - Chelmsford City Council

Business Sector
Keith Powell (KP) - Business, Maritime Community/ Independent
Rachel Fancy (RF) - RSPB
Roy Hart (RH) - Battlesbridge Business (Skee-Tex)

Maritime Sector
Ken Wickham (KW) - Crouch Harbour Authority

David Chapman (DC) Project Delivery Manager - Essex County Council
John Lindsay (JL) Coastal Engineer (Essex) - Environment Agency
Matt Pepper (MP) Strategic Overview - Environment Agency


Dave Record - 3 Chambers (Hockley, Rayleigh & Rochford)
Cllr Mark Bassenger - Maldon District Council
Cllr Paul White (PW) - Hullbridge Parish Council


Cllr Bob Calver (BC) - Burnham Town Council
Cllr Mike Halford (MH) - Canewdon Parish Council
Robert Brown (RB) - Baltic Wharf Distribution


Julie O'Brien


11:00 till 13:0

Note 01/22

Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed all participants to the meeting, and each introduced themselves in-turn

Note 02/22

Notes of the Last RCCCT Steering Group Meeting Held on 23 November 2021 and Matters Arising

Notes agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.

Actions confirmed as follows:


  • AC to arrange a meeting with the Planning Department – a change
    in personnel has meant that this still needs to be followed-up.
    Action: AC to organise.
  • AH to confirm if the Chair of the Digital Group to remain with Maldon
    DC – Maldon DC had agreed to retain Chairmanship.
  • Water Safety at Hullbridge Working Group to report back to the
    Steering Group – this was an agenda item today (minute no. 06/22)


  • RF to provide a link to the geocache website to PC – this was completed


  • PC to approach relevant Parish Councils and Essex Highways
    regarding signage for the protection of seals – PC requested that
    this be carried forward. Action: PC to follow-up
  • PC to provide DR with contact details for person who will give
    community talks. DR to pass those details on to the relevant people
    – this was completed.


  • AH to liaise with RF offline in relation to materials providing wider
    context of this issue – this was completed
  • AH to contact ECC for flood predictions and up-to-date data in the
    area – this was completed
  • AH to contact the Environment Agency regarding sea wall
    maintenance – this was completed
  • DF to discuss with Hullbridge PC Clerk representation on the
    Steering Group for Hullbridge Parish Council – PW remained the
    nominated representative for Hullbridge PC

Note 03/22

Flood Projections/Maintenance of Seawall

Representatives from the Environment Agency and ECC Flood Team had kindly joined the meeting as guests to address the Group on flood risks in relation to the river Crouch and the estuary, together with maintenance of
sea walls.

Questions were put forward and answered:

Q – Do the Environment Agency know of any parts of the sea wall that are in danger and / or weakening?

A – JL advised that no specific areas had been identified of this nature and which to report of. A series of regular inspections are undertaken to monitor conditions and flag any deterioration. Any particular areas currently under target condition are not at risk of imminent failure or of concern – general condition is good. These areas would also receive extra inspection after a storm – there is currently a review of certain areas being undertaken following storm Eunice on 18th February 2022.

In terms of explaining the maintenance process of sea walls in general terms, any areas considered in need of repair will be put forward for a funding bid and added to a planned works programme. Funding is a key driver in determining when works can be performed. Also, there is collaborative working with land owners regarding smaller remedials that individuals can carry out with Environment Agency support.

Q – two seawall locations have been reported to the Harbour Authority - Fen Creek in South Woodham Ferrers has damage and breach of defence occurring due to two sluices that have collapsed – resulting in two footpaths closed permanently. A farmer in Canewdon has grave concerns regarding the insufficient height of sea defences and resulting over topping. The farmer has been advised that in 2025 there will be a realignment and which could mean he will loose his land under water.

A – JL is aware of both these issues described. The Environment Agency are always grateful for any specifics to be sent across for their investigation and support to flag concerns early. JL advised that the remedial works for the sluice under their responsibility is in-hand - additional funding had been required for an external contractor and caused unavoidable delay. The other sluice falls under ECC. JL had himself visited the farm referenced in recent years. The realignment site is identified within the Shoreline Management Plan (created back in 2010) as a potential management realignment site. As a rule, realignment cannot take place without landowner support. JL explained that there are other alternatives to making a seawall more resilient other than increasing the height of the defence.

Q – There is an 18 inch difference between height of defence on the north and south banks of the river at Battlesbridge – can the banks be levelled so as to avoid risk of over topping and damage to the homes and businesses in the area who are worried?

A – No such works are currently programmed, but JL is happy to look into this. Action – JL to communicate feedback to the Group

Q – A sluice at Hays Country Park has been filled in and built on top of – are the Environment Agency aware?

A – JL is not aware of these circumstances and asked for more details to ascertain whether consent was required and granted. This topic would be followed-up directly between DP and JL outside of the Steering group.

Q – Collapse of seawall at footpath 9 at Hullbridge is of concern and any update from responsible bodies is welcomed.

A – JL and DC happy to follow-up with more details from Hullbridge PC (dealing with outside of the Steering Group). Action – AH to forward contact details for JL and DC onto Hullbridge PC

Q – Are there any timescales regarding the Environment Agency works on South side of Wallasea Island?

A – JL confirmed that these works are still on the programme list but unfortunately there is no progress or tangible date to report. It was agreed that erosion of the sluice was a priority and this may now be dealt with separately to the seawall.

Q – Users of the Crouch river have queried with the Crouch Harbour Authority about water quality and where they can obtain such information?

A – JL confirmed that the Environment Agency do undertake water quality sample checks and there is a set regime for such. KW agreed to send further details across to JL for follow-up with colleagues (for dealing outside of this group). Anglian Water will have a responsibility for fresh water swimming quality and a contact at this authority was already being explored.

DC provided an overview of and advised that, ECC Flood Team do not have a great dealing with / responsibility for coastal matters on / affecting the River Crouch. The Team are involved with Surface Water Management Plans, which highlight high level hotspots susceptible to heavy rainfall and flooding and Rochford is included here likewise. Ongoing studies are available, but do not concern the coast or River Crouch.

High level hotspots identified by the aforementioned plans are then developed into Flood Mitigation Schemes which sit within a Capital Programme – one example here is Sweyne Park school.

The Group noted that, RH undertakes testing of water at Battlesbridge when there is cause for concern and a laboratory at Edinburgh university provide the results.

Note 04/22

Overview of work – Essex Coast RAMS Delivery officer, Chelmsford City Council

LB introduced herself to the group and advised that RAMS stood for ‘Recreational, Disturbance, Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy’.

The Essex RAMS Partnership is a County wide initiative between 11 Local Authorities (Basildon BC, Braintreet DC, Brentwood BC, Castle Point BC, Chelmsford CC, Colchester BC, Maldon DC, Rochford DC, Southend CC, Tendring DC and Thurrock BC), ECC, Natural England, Essex Wildlife Trust and the RSPB – looking at where recreational disturbance has an impact on birds. All partners have signed up to a RAMS Strategy for Essex, adopted in 2020.

A short presentation titled ‘Bird Aware Essex Coast’ was shared, and highlights included:

  • The Essex coastline stretches for circa 350 miles from the Thames Estuary to the Stour Estuary. There are 10 designated habitat sites, which includes the Crouch & Roach Estuary.
  • The Essex coast is very important for wintering birds as well as breeding birds.
  • When birds are disturbed it has two main impacts; precious energy is wasted watching for or escaping from perceived threats, and they are unable to feed.
  • There is an ongoing increase in visitor numbers to the coast and which the vast number of new housing developments will only add to, so there is a preventative directive to raise awareness and mitigate risks.
  • Housing developers in Essex now pay a tariff which contributes towards delivery of the RAMS Strategy.
  • Within the RAMS Strategy is a mitigation package for delivery and LB oversees this (her role sitting within Planning Policy).
  • The mitigation package includes the following tools to promote positive behavioural change through engagement and education; ranger team on-site, outreach and education to spread messages further afield (eg. schools), developing dog initiatives, introducing codes of conduct to encourage a sensible approach, site and habitat based projects using limited available funds (eg, signage), building stronger partnerships and survey / monitoring.
  • A Steering Group was already in place with reps from each RAMS partner, and now a Delivery Group is being set up to comprise of participants with good knowledge of the local area in each case.
  • Priorities for the next 3 months are outlined and which LB will lead on.
  • A website has been created and is evolving with content –

In answer to questions, the following was observed:

  • The RAMS Strategy does include jet skis as a recreational disturbance. It would also include supporting local businesses and established recreational groups who use the coastline to educate on birds eg. their behaviour and habitats.
  • The Harbour Authority would be reached out to regarding potential membership on the RAMS Delivery Group. KW agreed for LB to add his contact details to her list in this regard, via AH.
  • LM would be liaising with the River Bailiffs and the Police Marine Unit as part of their work.
  • RAMS local authority partners could assist with communication and linkage by feeding developments through to Parish Councils. LM advised that, the campaign to re-launch Bird Aware Essex will incorporate Parish Councils as part of the communications work.

Action: LB to forward the RAMS Essex presentation slides to AH for circulation to the group and Parish clerks

Note 05/22

Annual Review of Governance Report

Proposals were addressed in-turn. The group agreed as follows:

  1. KP to be part of the group in an advisory independent capacity, with no voting rights.
  2. DME to reside on the group in a Vice Chair capacity only, as nominated at the AGM in November 2021 and by virtue of connections to the maritime community.
  3. An additional member of the maritime community to join the group and have voting rights. Crouch Area Yachting Association recommended. Action: DME to approach and raise at the next meeting of the Yachting Association.
  4. Natural England to be removed from the Steering Group but remains a member of the wider RCCCT. They will be invited to the AGM plus Steering Group meetings on an ad hoc basis when the agenda requires.
  5. Environment Agency to be removed from the Steering Group but remains a member of the wider RCCCT. They will be invited to the AGM plus Steering Group meetings on an ad hoc basis when the agenda requires.
  6. One member of the Burnham-on-Crouch Business Board to be invited to join the Steering Group. Action: AH to reach out and confirm
  7. Representation from Burnham-on-Crouch Town Council to be double checked so as to have an active seat on the group.
    Action: AH to reach out and confirm
  8. LB to join the Steering Group and provide regular updates.
  9. No further organisations or representatives need be invited to join the Steering Group membership at this time.

Note 06/22

Working Group Updates

The Group agreed it was prudent to check the membership of each Working Group.

Action: AH to confirm and share membership of the Working Groups

Footpaths Group

GD eagerly awaited news of Government Minister approval to the Wallasea to Burnham route.

Under common law there will continue to be a route to claim footpaths. Other legislation that would bring about changes in 2026 is, according to local MP and Government Minister in their recent letter of reply to enquiries, going to cease to come into force. This is promising news.

Digital Group

No updates provided.

Action: AH to reach out to Cllr Mark Bassenger (Project Lead)

Water Safety at Hullbridge

AH confirmed that the Working Group has met a couple of times and collected some key messages and created a stakeholder map. A campaign plan has been produced and now ready for the Group to approve when they next meet (date already in diaries).

Sources of funding have been explored and will be pursued dependent on final costs for campaign material. Indicative costs are relatively modest and may be covered within CCCT available funds or via other alternate means.

Note 07/22

Update on:
Proposal for latest stretch of Wallasea to Burnham Coastal Path Natural England and Essex Highways have responded with an update, and which is appended to the notes (appendix 1).

PC had requested that Rochford DC, Chelmsford CC and Maldon DC are kept in the loop with the dates decided and so that any feedback can be brought back to the Steering Group.

Path to Prosperity Project

HQ confirmed on the South Woodham stretch that the information boards have now been installed and it is a pleasing result. Feedback is good and observations have been made that many visitors are utilising them. Images are appended to the notes (appendix 2).

A further information board is being prepared ready for installing at Eyott Sailing Club when it is safe to direct people around this section (subject to footpath improvements).

Video footage to promote various elements of visiting the River Crouch is being finalised, as taken from recent use of drones in the area, and once available will be shared with the Steering Group. This will also link in with the work that LB is undertaking on the RAMS Strategy.

AC confirmed that some additional funding has been secured and will assist the Steering Group with a strategic vision moving forward and an action plan. The proposal is to hold a workshop during March for the Steering Group and this will aid with governance and provide a stronger position for future ability to apply for external funding should the
opportunity arise.

In agreement with the Chair, Tuesday 29th March at 10am has been identified as a date for a facilitated workshop at the Rayleigh Club. This event will include a light lunch and opportunity to network. It is hoped that all members can attend, and an invite will be issued from the Chair in the next couple of days.

Thanks were extended to Maldon DC for enabling this funding and organising the workshop in a short turnaround time.

Coastal Footpath – Hullbridge Repairs Update

PW had shared some photos with updates for the group. A further map was also shown to the group concerning the area of coastline around the dome at the Brandy hole and GD confirmed that himself, DME and PW were arranging to meet in-person on-site.

KW confirmed that the Crouch Harbour Authority had been informed that the contractors would remain in situ for a further two to three months.

JL advised that, the section of seawall around the dome caravan park is privately maintained and it is believed that it is no longer a public right of way. Discussions have been held between the Emergency Planning Officer at Rochford DC and colleagues at the Environment Agency about other issues at this site.

Action: AH to follow-up with the Emergency Planning Officer at Rochford DC to establish current position and relay to the group and DS (as Portfolio Holder for Environment).

Note 08/22

RSPB Wallasea Island – Latest Developments

RF reported that the recent high winds from storm Eunice had caused some damage and repairs were being coordinated with volunteers.

Kent and Essex Reserves combined efforts to submit a funding bid for habitat creation, of which Wallasea Island will be making some islands in a lagoon to enable people to get better views of wildlife nesting and roosting here.

Existing funding is allowing for the raising of paths to the main viewing areas at the Wallasea Reserve. This prevents water logging during the Winter.

It is hoped that a contractor will carry out both works in the Summer.

In answer to a question, RF confirmed that the average footfall pre Covid19 pandemic was between 20-22k and during 2020 lockdown rose to 30k. A figure for 2021 would be brought to the next meeting.

Note 09/22

Date of Next Meeting

In agreement with the Chair, the next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 14th June 2022 at 11am.

The Chair thanked all participants for their contributions and to guests for joining on this occasion.

In this section