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RCCCT Moving Forward Workshop - 29th March 2022

(Appendix 2)

Summary and Next Steps

The workshop, facilitated by Rubicon Regeneration, set itself 4 key objectives:

  • Review progress and performance
  • Agree the future ambition and vision for the area
  • Assess future priorities
  • Agree a way forward to re-energise and refresh the CCT and its activities.

Review progress and performance

The general feeling was that the River Crouch Coastal Community Team had achieved much since its formation in 2016, particularly in terms of improved communications and collaboration between stakeholders and the three local authorities (“connections, communications and conversations”. Work has been progressed in raising awareness of the River Crouch as a tourism destination, particularly in terms of facilitating capital investment in the paths and trails network. The key challenge and constraint was a lack of funding to
develop and deliver projects for the area.

A key point raised was the need to raise awareness of the CCT to both the local community and businesses located in the area.

It was agreed that this was an opportune time to refresh the strategy and action plan to provide a much clearer direction of travel for the Steering Group (and the wider community) in terms of future activities.

Agree the future ambition and vision for the area

The original vision is still relevant:

The River Crouch Coastal Community Team will facilitate and support the growth of the local economy through developing a sustainable visitor offer by concentrating on the river users and associated businesses operating on the land adjoining the river.

Success will be an improved tourism offer, a greater and more varied commercial offer for businesses and an improved infrastructure for access to the River Crouch.

Additional points to be included in the vision refresh included:

  • Making reference to the River Roach
  • As well as including a greater focus on sustainability, include the need to promote responsible tourism
  • Encompass broader sector opportunities, including:
    • Creative
    • Viticulture
    • Antiques

The broad objectives for the CCT area were agreed, with an additional objective on transport and communications:

  • Developing a sustainable and inclusive tourism economy
  • Supporting thriving and dynamic riverside businesses
  • Conserving, enhancing and promoting the area’s special natural and cultural asset
  • Meeting the needs of the local community
  • Improving sustainable transport and connections

Assess future priorities

A number of priorities / projects were identified for inclusion within a refreshed action plan including:

  • Facilitating infrastructure provision to meet the needs of a growing population
  • Providing seed funding to support smaller, indigenous projects (supporting the development of small projects to generate awareness and interest)
  • Raising the profile of the CCT
  • Work with landowners, particularly farmers, to support agri-based businesses and access other funding (DEFRA)
  • Providing a better identity / brand for the CCT
  • Enhance public transport provision (hopper bus to connect attractions and the railway service)
  • Enhance walks / trails (old railway line)
  • Open up greater public access to the river
  • Enhance the visitor product to convert day trips to staying visitors (including increasing appropriate accommodation provision)

Agree a way forward to re-energise and refresh the CCT and its activities

The next steps include:

  • Building up the evidence base, which is seen as being vital both to provide the context for the strategy refresh and to support future external funding applications
  • Drawing together a refreshed strategy and action programme (3-5 year timeframe): This was seen as being a clear and concise document (12-15 pages) to clarify the vision, objectives and priorities. It would also set out a revised terms of reference for the Steering Group
  • The refreshed strategy and action plan would be used as a tool to engage and consult with the local community and business community to raise awareness of the CTT and enable further input into project ideas.

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