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RCCCT Vision Refresh Working Group - Friday 02 September 2022 Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes


Cllr Mrs June Lumley (JL) - Project Group Leader - Rochford District Council
Marcus Hotten (MH) - Rochford District Council - Director of Environment
Doug MacEwen (DME) - Crouch Area Yachting Federation
Helen Quinnell (HQ) - Chelmsford City Council


Cllr Paul White - Hullbridge Parish Council
Leanne Brisland - Bird Aware Essex


Julie O’Brien (Note Taker) - Rochford District Council


11:00 till 12:15

Note 01/22

Welcome and Introductions

Members of the group introduced themselves in-turn – MH being new to the RCCCT.

Note 02/22

Terms of Reference

Outline Terms of Reference for the RCCCT Vision Refresh Working Group had been pre circulated.

Note 03/22

Future Ambition & Vision for the Area

Focus on local community understanding of the river Crouch and Roach was mutually decided as being important and then to build from this promoted framework to address the tourism aspect - sensibly attracting
safe users to the area.

Whilst the original vision of the CCT is still relevant, it was felt that a new Mission Statement and a Vision Statement would help refresh to establish identity of the RCCCT in a concise way.

A Mission Statement was agreed as: “To support the thriving dynamic riverside business to meet the needs of the local community.”

Action: To put the RCCCT Mission Statement to the RCCCT Steering Group

A Vision Statement for the wider undertaking was discussed and it was decided for the group to continue to progress outside of the meeting, this allowing time for consideration to capture all elements effectively. A timeline would be necessary to accompany the Vision Statement and be tangible.

Action: To develop a RCCCT Vision Statement and timeline, submitting this to the RCCCT Steering Group in-turn

Post meeting note: Updates circulated by DME;

Vision Statement: "To work as an integrated team with the local communities, to improve attraction to the Rivers Crouch and Roach by sustainable growth and opportunities."

Categorisation of Priorities:

Short term (1 year)

  • Complete the Path to prosperity project
  • Raise the profile of the CCCT by providing better publicity and brand awareness
  • Introduce the Bird aware project

Medium term future

  • Improve water safety on the rivers Crouch and Roach project
  • Enhance walks and footpaths project
  • Improve water quality for bathing and boating project

Long term future

  • Completion of the Coastal Footpath

Note 04/22


The original objectives (as re-captured at the RCCCT Workshop held in March 2022) were endorsed:-

  • Developing a sustainable and inclusive tourism economy
  • Supporting thriving and dynamic riverside business
  • Conserving, enhancing and promoting the area's special natural and cultural asset
  • Meeting the needs of the local community
  • Improving sustainable transport and connections

Note 05/22

Future Priorities

Publicising the work of the RCCCT was critical to engage all and raise its profile. Whilst there are current active working groups, it was still a concern that the CCCT was little known about and any improvements on the communications front would make all the difference to the impact and reach it has.

Limited available budget for the RCCCT was relevant and limiting. External funding beyond the equal commitment from Rochford DC, Maldon DC and Chelmsford CC would be good to explore in order to achieve future outcomes and expand. As an Outside Body with cross Council working it was hoped that the RCCCT could have greater weighting for a potential funding bid(s).

The group considered that an officer working group, as part of the Vision Refresh, would be an avenue to investigate to drive forward and look at funding opportunities (locally and beyond),the wider Member interest and specific future joint projects. Essex County Council membership would be advantageous. MH and HQ to liaise with counterparts and arrange an initial meeting date.

Action: To set up a Cross Council Officer Working Group for the RCCCT (MH)

There could be opportunities via Visit Essex to look into and worthy for that group to attend an upcoming meeting of the RCCCT Steering Group to explain their work and current campaigns. HQ is on the Visit Essex Board.

The High Sherrif’s Fund could be an area to pursue for smaller funding and on the basis that it meets the criteria of being a benefit to the community.

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